Page 77 of The Moment You Know

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Distracted, he gave Jacob a bath and then put him to bed.

Before going to bed himself, David decided to take a shower and was standing under the hot water when Ashley joined him.

“You seem sort of off since you got home,” she told him, stepping into his space, until she was hugging him from behind and he could feel her breasts pressed against his back.

“I just have a few things on my mind.”

She rested her cheek in the spot between his shoulder blades, right where Paige’s name was spelled out. He knew Ashley hated the tattoo because she’d said so many times, and each time she did, it reminded him of the conversation he’d had with Paige about other women who might see the tattoo and hate it. Ashley had even started pointing out the confusion Jacob would experience if he saw it, which was the only reason David was thinking about having it removed in the future. In the meantime, though, for reasons he didn’t completely understand, it remained intact.

“Like what, baby?” Ashley asked.

He shook his head.

“Well, whatever it is, maybe I can re-direct your thoughts.”

She stepped around to his front and he watched her drop to her knees, looking up at him as she took his cock in her hand and started stroking. There was no denying that she was a beautiful woman, with a lush body that usually never failed to light his fire, and when she began licking him in earnest, he thought maybe she could re-direct his thoughts. However, that hope didn’t last long. David kept seeing the picture of Paige on the beach with her uncle, and that, coupled with the knowledge he had molested her, made it impossible for David to achieve an erection. “Ash, stop. It’s not going to happen tonight.”

She didn’t stop.

“Jesus, I said stop,” he said, pushing her away.

He turned off the water and got out of the shower, quickly drying off with a towel and then going into the bedroom. He was in the process of putting on a pair of briefs when Ashley came in, wrapped in a towel and looking pissed.

“Don’t ever do that to me again,” she told him, her expression arctic, even as her face was flushed with anger. “You’re lucky I didn’t crush your balls.”

“You weren’t listening to me and I didn’t want you sucking my dick any more. Does ‘no’ only mean ‘no’ if you say it?”

“What the fuck is wrong with you? And don’t give me that ‘I just have a few things on my mind’ bullshit answer again. I want a real answer.”

He picked up Paige’s book and held it up. “My mom gave me this.”

She looked at it and then shrugged. “Okay. She gave you a book. What about it?”

He held it out closer. “Paige wrote it.”

“Your ex-wife?”

“Yes. Would I be talking about any other ‘Paige’ having written this?”

Ashley came forward and looked at the cover more closely. “Is Clemons her maiden name?”

He gave a short nod.

“It’s interesting that she went back to using it. Especially after going on about what a ‘privilege’ it was to be married to you.”

David didn’t say anything to that, figuring Ashley was just trying to push his buttons.

“So, you’ve been acting weird all night because of Paige’s book,” she said slowly, before asking, “What’s it about?”

Instead of answering, David pointed at the blurb, much like Valerie had done with him.

Rolling her eyes, Ashley looked down and read it, her expression turning incredulous. “She was molested by her uncle? And she didn’t know it? What? For God’s sake, how do you not know you’ve been molested?”

“I don’t know, but that’s probably covered in the book.”

“You’re not going to read it, are you?” she asked, as if it would be the most outlandish thing he’d ever do.

“Yes, I’m going to read it.”

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