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Paige pursed her lips in aggravation. God, she hated Andrea … especially when she was right.

“What’s going on with you today?” Andrea asked. “You’ve been really distracted.”

Instead of doing the smart thing and deflecting the question, Paige blurted out, “I’m meeting a man for a drink after work.”

“Okay.” Andrea blinked at her. “And?”

“And … I’m a little nervous.”


“Because it’s been a while.”

“A while since you met a man for a drink?”


“Define ‘a while’.”

There was no way in hell she was going to tell Andrea how long it had really been. “Just a while.”

“That really didn’t answer my question, but all right. So, you’re meeting a man for a drink.” Andrea tilted her head, her gaze focusing on Paige’s footwear. “That explains the boots.”

Paige gazed down at her black leather boots with the red soles and stiletto heels, and took a moment to admire them. The Louboutins had been ridiculously expensive, but she’d never once regretted buying them, not even when she’d struggled to pay her bills for a few months afterward. Totally worth it.

“Did you meet this man in person, or online?” Andrea wanted to know.


“It wasn’t on Tinder, was it?”

“Jesus. It wasn’t on Tinder. I said I was meeting him for a drink, not to have sex in his car.”

“It was probably on Bumble, then,” Andrea mused, oblivious to Paige’s sarcasm. “So, does this man have a name?”

Paige didn’t answer.

“Is it a secret?” Andrea prodded.

“His name is Hale,” Paige finally said.



“Nothing. His name is Hale,” Andrea repeated. “So, let’s see him.”


“Pull up his profile so I can check him out.”

“I don’t think so.”

Andrea released an annoyed sigh, followed by dead silence.

As the silence stretched into uncomfortable territory, Paige released her own annoyed sigh and pulled up Hale’s profile on her phone. Then she reluctantly held it out to Andrea, who perused it without any change in expression.

“He’s not bad looking,” Andrea said, then continued with, “Divorced. No kids. Manages a restaurant … sounds pretty solid. I’m sure you’re going to have a blast having a drink with a divorced, restaurant manager named Hale that you met online.” She handed the phone back to Paige, then examined her from head to toe. “Are you going looking like that?”

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