Page 67 of The Moment You Know

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After they left, he retrieved Jules’s card from the bowl, eyebrows raising in surprise when he saw that she was a self-employed Managerial Accountant, with a focus on something called ‘cost accounting’. He hadn’t given much thought to what she did professionally, but he never would have guessed that in a million years, because accountants were old men with thinning hair, in ill-fitting suits, and she definitely wasn’t that.

Bemused, he stared at the cell phone number listed on it, briefly wondering what would happen if he ever called it.

Probably nothing good, he decided.

Pushing Jules from his mind, Evan returned her card to the bowl, then went back to work.

Chapter 25

“I’m actually really glad you came by,” Evan said as he put a Big Cock IPA and a glass on the bar in front of David.

David glanced around Three Amigos, which was pretty dead on a Monday night. “I can see why. You need the business.”

“Very funny. But that’s not why.”

“Oh, then why?”

Evan tilted his head. “Because I’ve been giving your situation a lot of thought recently—”

“My ‘situation’?”

“With Ashley.”

David slowly poured his beer. “Why have you been giving my ‘situation’ with Ashley a lot of thought recently?”

“Well, a couple of weeks ago I met a woman here at the bar and we really hit it off—”

“Did you sleep with her?”

“No. It wasn’t like that.”

“You just said you two hit it off.”

“We did. But it was a friendly version of hitting it off. We just talked.”

“Was she a lesbian?”


“Was she unattractive?”

“No. She was very attractive. Stunning, actually.”

“And you just … talked?”

“Yeah. For like a half hour.”

“You seriously didn’t sleep with her?”


“Did you want to?”

“No. And she didn’t want to sleep with me, either.”

“I’m a little confused right now.”

“Jesus, just shut-up and listen.”

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