Page 166 of The Moment You Know

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“It wasn’t an insult. I’m extremely grateful you’re not any good at bowling because, Jesus, this is good.” David was on his third meatball already, even though they were almost the size of tennis balls. “I should’ve had the foresight to make decent music a condition of our bet, though.”

It took Paige a few seconds to realize he was obviously targeting the song “Bye Bye Bye”, which was currently playing. “This is N’Sync.”

“I know. And you just illustrated my point very nicely.”

She leaned forward. “What’s wrong with N’Sync?”

“God, where do I start?”

“What? They’re the world’s greatest boy band.”

“That, right there. They don’t play their own instruments, so they’re not a ‘band’,” he told her, doing a one-handed air quote, since the other hand was busy using his fork to shovel food into his mouth.

“I don’t care. I love them.”

“You love them?”

She nodded. “I. Love. Them.”

“Really? Then you can name every boy in the ‘band’, right?” David asked, using air quotes again.

She slapped at his hand. “Justin Timberlake.”

When she didn’t say any other names, he prompted, “Keep going. There’s four more boys in the ‘band’.”

Paige slapped at his air-quoting hand again. “Justin is the only one who matters.”

“I’m sure the other four in the ‘band’ would disagree with you.”

This time, he kept his hand out of reach.

“They can disagree all they want. Justin’s the one with all the talent.”

He rolled his eyes. “Barf.”

“Did you just roll your eyes and say ‘barf’? Are you thirteen?”

“I feel thirteen. I am listening to N’Sync, after all. Do you have some Backstreet Boys coming up that I can look forward to?”

“Actually, I do have Backstreet Boys in this playlist,” Paige told him, grabbing her phone off the table. “But I’ve got something even better.”

“Better? That could literally be anything.”

Making a face at him, she scrolled for a moment and then after a quick tap, the opening notes of “Hangin’ Tough” replaced “Bye Bye Bye”.

His eyes widened in horror. “New Kids on the Block?”

To mess with him, she turned up the volume a little bit, only to jump a little when David grabbed the phone from her hand.

“I’m voting hell no,” he said, immediately killing the song.

In the abrupt silence, Paige semi-lunged forward and tried to grab it back, without success. As David held the phone away from her in a mini game of keep-away, “The Bitch Is Back” started emanating from it. When he glanced at the screen to see an incoming call from Jules, his eyebrows rose.

“Does Jules know this is her ringtone?” he asked, as he handed the phone back to Paige.

She quickly declined the call, sending it to voicemail before answering. “She’s the one who programmed it into my phone.”

He started in on his spaghetti, which he’d been neglecting. “Does she know about our make-out session?”

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