Page 161 of The Moment You Know

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Paige’s frown deepened. The only time she ever ordered from Amazon was when The Main Event needed a particular item in a rush, and it couldn’t be quickly procured from one of their regular distributors and Paige hadn’t done that recently. “I didn’t order anything.”

“You must have. It’s addressed to you,” Andrea repeated.

“Fine. Just set it … wherever. Somewhere on the floor.”

“You’re not going to open it?”

“I’ll get to it later.”

“It might be important. The label says ‘Same-Day Delivery’.”

Now even more perplexed, Paige stood up, motioning for Andrea to bring the box over. Once Paige had it in her hands, she checked the mailing label for a possible clue, but the only return address was that of the nearby Amazon fulfillment center, telling her nothing about the sender. However, as soon as she got the box open and the contents were revealed, Paige knew exactly who they were from …

… and quickly slapped the box flaps closed so Andrea couldn’t see.

“What is it?” Andrea wanted to know, surprised at Paige’s reaction.

“Never mind. It’s nothing.”

“It’s got to be something.”

“Seriously. Never mind.”

“‘What’s in the box’?” Andrea semi-wailed, channeling Brad Pitt’s character in the movie, Seven.

The absolutely perfect line at the perfect time actually made Paige chuckle, distracting her enough so that Andrea was able to pry up one of the flaps and peek in the box.

Paige exhaled heavily; God, she hated Andrea.

When Andrea saw what was in it, her eyebrows drew together in confusion before turning her eagle eyes on Paige. “Hershey’s kisses?”


“Who are they from?”

“No one.”

“No one? Someone sent them to you.”

“It was … me,” Paige quickly improvised. “I sent them to myself. I mean, I ordered them.”

“Two minutes ago, you were swearing you didn’t order anything.”

“I was wrong.”

“So, you did order multiple bags of Hershey’s kisses and had them same-day delivered to you at work?”



“Because …” Paige went completely blank for a several moments, before thankfully coming up with a reason that might be believed. “It’s that time of the month.”

“One bag wouldn’t have sufficed?”

Jesus, what was with all the questions? “It’s better to stock up. Then I won’t have to buy any for a while.”

Andrea clearly didn’t believe the story she was being fed and even though Paige honestly wouldn’t have either, she also didn’t think it was too much to ask that Andrea fake it.

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