Page 146 of The Moment You Know

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DAVID: Seriously?

DICK: Yes, seriously.

DICK: The winner gets a night off with tips. So, if I win, I get all the tips for a night I don’t have to work.

DICK: So, did you, or didn’t you?

DAVID: First, I want to know how everyone bet.

DICK: I bet you would sleep on the couch, and they bet you wouldn’t. They wanted you to sleep on the couch, but thought you’d cave because you wouldn’t be able to turn Ashley down.


DAVID: Congratulations, my friend. You win.

DAVID: And your brother and sister are dirtbags. Please tell them I said that.

DICK: I absolutely will. They are dirtbags.

DICK: So, just between you and me, did you really sleep on the couch?

DAVID: Yes, I really did.

DICK: That must have pissed Ashley off.

DICK: Wait. It just occurred to me that you could have boned Ashley, but then still slept on the couch.

DICK: Well?

DAVID: Sorry, I didn’t realize you had asked a question.

DAVID: There was no boning. That would have defeated the purpose of terminating my relationship with her.

DICK: So … nothing happened?

DAVID: Well, I woke up in the middle of the night on the couch with her hand on my dick. That happened.

DICK: Can you hear me laughing right now? I’m HOWLING.

DAVID: God, I knew you’d be a dick about this.

DICK: Sorry. So, other than the attempted hand job, how did it go?

DAVID: Unfortunately, the hand on my dick wasn’t the low point. When I left, Jacob cried and it was a mess. I still feel really shitty about it.

DICK: I’m sorry, man.

DICK: Why don’t you come hang out with me while I’m at work tonight, and have a couple of drinks on the house?

DAVID: Thanks. I will. The loft is too fucking quiet.

Chapter 56

Paige bought a small urn and had it engraved with Spook’s name and put half his ashes in it for David. Then, she almost didn’t know what to do with it because giving him a ‘gift’ seemed intimate, even if the nature of the gift really wasn’t.

She wrestled with giving it to him for almost two weeks. Finally, after deciding she was being ridiculous, she texted him.

PAIGE: This might sound odd, but I have a gift for you.

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