Page 134 of The Moment You Know

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David watched him eat for a few moments, then called out, “Jacob!”

Jacob came out in the hall. “I’m looking for a shirt—”

“Never mind. Just come eat.”

After Jacob was settled in his booster seat with a piece of pizza, Evan reached over and ‘ruffled’ Jacob’s inch-long hair. “What was the name of the girl that put glue in your hair? Kaley? Kelly?”

The question was directed at Jacob, but because he’d just taken a large bite of his pizza, David answered. “Kelsey.”

“That’s right,” Evan said, before raising his eyebrows and asking, “Is Kelsey cute?”

Even though he was still chewing, Jacob managed to frown, looking like he didn’t understand the question. Then, with his mouth full, he said, “I don’t like her.”

“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” David immediately chastised him.

“Because she put glue in your hair?” Evan asked.

Jacob nodded.

“Well, I think you might like her if you look at this a different way,” Evan told him, only to be rewarded with wide-eyed disbelief from the little boy. “Hear me out. See, if it weren’t for her and her glue, you wouldn’t be rocking this new look, which is seriously cool. So, the next time you see Kelsey, you should thank her, because she actually did you a favor, Little Man. It might be time for a trim, though,” he added, with another ‘ruffle’ to Jacob’s crewcut. “Your hair’s getting a little long on top.”

Jacob looked a little alarmed at that news, making David inwardly groan. Ever since he had taken the clippers to Jacob’s hair following the ‘glue incident’, Jacob had been militant about keeping it short. Which meant a haircut almost every other week.

“Thanks,” David told Evan, waving a hand toward the unpacked boxes again. “It’s not like I don’t have enough to do already and now I’ll be giving him a haircut tonight. After I find the clippers.”

Evan, totally unrepentant, winked at Jacob. “A man’s got to look good. Right?”

Jacob nodded, chewing on another bite of pizza.

Across the table, David gave Evan a dirty look, then for good measure, mouthed the word, “Asshole.”

An hour later, after Evan left and Jacob got his hair trimmed, David took a few pictures of the furniture in the loft and then texted them to Paige.

DAVID: Thank you!!

PAIGE: You’re welcome. It looks good!

DAVID: Your storage unit is EMPTY.

PAIGE: I’m glad everything is being put to use.

DAVID: It definitely is.

DAVID: So, I was wondering if you were free this Wednesday night?

PAIGE: I’m free after 5 p.m. Why?

DAVID: I thought we could get together and you could tell me about your recovery.

PAIGE: You REALLY want to hear about that?

DAVID: Absolutely.

PAIGE: All right.

PAIGE: Why don’t you come to my place around 6 p.m.?

DAVID: I can do that. And I’ll take care of dinner this time.

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