Page 132 of The Moment You Know

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“You’ll buy me dinner, no matter what,” Evan told him, then added, “In my next life, I’m going to have better friends. Which won’t be hard to do, since you’ve set the bar really low.”

They managed to get everything loaded into the U-Haul and over to the loft, where they unloaded everything in record time. After returning the truck, they picked up Jacob from preschool, and grabbed two pepperoni pizzas before returning to the loft.

When Jacob walked in and saw the large sectional in the living room, he ran over and immediately jumped on it.

“Dibs,” he called out.

“Nope,” David countered, setting the pizza boxes on the table. “You didn’t pick it out, or pay for it, or move it … so nope. And no jumping. That’s a finely crafted piece of furniture.”

“Give the kid a break,” Evan chided. “He’s just excited to have something other than the floor to sit on while he watches TV. When you get a TV, that is.”

“What’s … crafted?” Jacob asked.

“It means expensive,” Evan answered.

Almost at the same time, David said, “Never mind. Go wash your hands for dinner.”

Jacob jumped off the couch and dashed down the hall.

“And use soap!” David called after him.

Evan sat down at the table. “You’re such a curmudgeon.”

At what sounded like an obvious Word-of-the-Day, David gave him a look that was the opposite of amused as he poured a glass of milk for Jacob and then grabbed three paper plates before joining Evan at the table.

“Jesus, man, you don’t have real plates?”

“I do.” David pointed to a stack of boxes in the corner of the kitchen. “Somewhere in there. If you want to look for them, be my guest.”

“Paper plates are fine.”

“That’s what I thought.”

“You know,” Evan mused as he glanced around, “when you said you were moving in here, I had some doubts about it. But I can see the potential for it to be great, especially with the new furniture.”

“I had a few doubts, too, but living here is working out better than I thought it would. And Jacob really likes it so far.”

“He seems to be doing okay. Does he miss Ashley?”

David shook his head. “I hate to say it, but no. Not that I can really tell, anyway. He’s hardly mentioned her since the separation and I don’t know if I should be sad about that, or relieved.”

“I’d go with relieved,” Evan said, then asked, “What about you?”

“What about me?”

“Do you miss her? And I don’t just mean the regular sex you had with her because I’m sure you miss that.”

“No, I don’t miss her. Or the regular sex, either.”

Evan made a You’re full of shit face. “Everyone misses regular sex.”

“Well, maybe I’ll be missing it down the road, but for now, I’m not. And I’m not missing much about our life together, because life without her isn’t much different from life with her. We didn’t split the housework, the expenses, or the parenting, as you often pointed out to me. We weren’t truly partners and all the regular sex in the world doesn’t make up for that.” David tilted his head. “Plus, now Jacob and I can eat meat. I made bacon for breakfast the other day and I almost cried, it was so good.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear that bacon is back in your life.”

“Me too, Dick. Me, too. The reunion was very sweet.”

“Speaking of sweet … have you had any more sex dreams?”

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