Page 13 of The Moment You Know

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“Let it go?” Ashley narrowed her ice-blue eyes. “I don’t think so.”

She was obviously unhappy with what she perceived as his taking Paige’s ‘side’. “We’re not doing this,” he told her firmly, then raising his voice and looking directly at Paige, repeated, “We’re not doing this.”

“She took the gloves off first, baby.” Ashley glanced at David over her shoulder. “So, we are doing this.”

“Ash, don’t.”

Disregarding the order, Ashley extricated herself from David’s grasp, which involved a bit of effort since he continued to try and hold her back.

“This will be over in a minute,” she assured him, then turned to Paige. “So … I’m going to go out on a very short limb here and say your shit’s in a twist at seeing David and I together, but any sympathy I might have had for you just went out the goddamn window.”

“Jesus Christ,” muttered David.

“My shit’s not in a twist,” Paige denied. She hoped it sounded like she wasn’t lying, because her shit was totally in a twist. It was a big slice of hell seeing the two of them together.

“Please.” Ashley’s voice was laced with sarcasm. “You should see your face right now. I know it’s killing you that he’s with me, but there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. The minute he signed the divorce papers, he was free to choose who he wanted to be with—”

“You’re right. And clearly, he was also free to choose … poorly.” Paige forced herself to look at her ex-husband as she said the next part. “Well done, David.”

For a moment, he was taken aback at the double-edged insult, which was delivered with outright, blatant malice. While it made sense that Paige wouldn’t like seeing him with another woman (he knew he wouldn’t like seeing her with another man), her anger was palpable, rolling off her in waves. It also seemed specifically directed at Ashley, which he found odd given that Paige had barely known Ashley.

“You might think he chose poorly,” Ashley said, not appearing to be insulted at all, “but I assure you, David doesn’t think he chose poorly.” She glanced back at him and something in her expression triggered an alarm in his brain a second before she asked, “You weren’t thinking you chose poorly when you were coming in my mouth this morning, were you, baby?”

This time, when David blinked in absolute shock, it was directed at Ashley. He heard the words, but literally couldn’t believe his goddamn ears. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” he growled at Ashley, avoiding looking anywhere near Paige while he struggled to get his equilibrium back. Very few times in his life had he been this much at a loss and it was awkward as hell.

“It’s the truth, isn’t it?” Ashley returned.

Paige didn’t really need David’s confirmation, not when his gobsmacked expression was clearly broadcasting the truth, loud and clear. So, not only was David probably getting up close and personal with Ashley’s perky tits on a daily basis, he was apparently enjoying morning blowjobs as well. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Paige knew she should walk away, knew it with every brain cell she had and yet … she didn’t.

“So, how long has this—” she waved a hand to indicate Ashley and David’s coupledom, “—been going on?”

Not yet recovered from the blowjob grenade, David actually felt his asshole tighten a little at the question; his ex-wife was wading into waters she didn’t need to be in. “That’s none of your—”

“Four years,” Ashley tossed out, her mouth curving into a smile.

Chapter 4

Paige blinked rapidly against the sudden burn in her eyes. Holy shit. They’d been together four years? She did the math as quickly as her napalmed brain would allow and the math said that they’d gotten together six months after the divorce.

Six. Motherfucking. Months.

Six months after the divorce, while she’d still been on an alcohol diet, David had been boning Ashley. And getting morning blowjobs.

What a betrayal. What an asshole.

David’s expression clouded with anger, making Paige realize she’d said that last part (at least she sincerely hoped it was only the last part) out loud. Instead of apologizing—because hell no—she doubled down. “You’re an asshole,” she said, succinctly and clearly.

David’s voice was sharp as he scrubbed a hand over his mouth and chin. “You shouldn’t have asked.”

She probably shouldn’t have, but that wasn’t the point. “You sure didn’t wait very long,” she told him, hearing the pain in her voice. “Wow.”

Ashley’s perfect eyebrows drew together in a frown that managed to convey both confusion and amusement at the same time. “Um. How long was he supposed to wait?”

Paige’s answer was directed at Ashley, but her eyes remained on David. “Maybe longer than a hockey season.”

“Well, too bad. He didn’t,” Ashley said with exaggerated sympathy.

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