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“Hey, assholes,” I shouted before the last human left.

He looked over his shoulder, and I tugged on the mystically protected handcuffs, silently pointing out the obvious.

“I’m kind of strung up like a sacrificial lamb here, buddy.”

The cuffs and chain kept my arms above my head and my back pressed to the stone wall. When he didn’t make a move to help, I made a frustrated sound in outrage.

“You’re seriously gonna just leave me like this when the damn place is falling down around us?” Of course I didn’t think any of these pricks gave a shit about the Otherworld creatures they kept here aside from how much money we could bring in.

But I at least hoped they saw letting us die was not in their best interest.

The human bastard left without another glance in my direction.

“You asshole,” I screamed and kept pulling and tugging at the chains until they dug into my flesh and blood dripped down my forearms.

The room seemed to shake all around me, ceiling panels crashing to the floor and cracking open, dust and dirt filling the room until I was coughing and blinking back tears.

Gods, how I wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole right now.

I lifted my head and glanced above me at the chain and pulley system they’d rigged up to allow me a couple inches of slack.

Just enough to watch me squirm as they tortured me, because it got the spectators off.

Another boom ricocheted, followed by the room shaking and an insanely bright flash of unnatural light. There was the sound of shouting and gunshots spilling into the room, and I felt adrenaline rush through my bloodstream.

Over the last year of being imprisoned by these worthless assholes who called themselves the Assembly, I’d learned to use my sarcastic, ultra-bitchy personality to keep my sanity and give them shit.

It was the only way I’d survived this long. Because if not, the pain and horror they’d inflicted on me would have changed the person I was.

So I fought back, and if I couldn’t do it physically, then I’d cut them with the words that spilled from my tongue.

That led to more punishments and pain.

But I’d stayed alive this long, and I’d be damned if my final downfall was because this fucking place was going down the drain.

Another blast had the entire place shaking, and I ducked my head, shielding my eyes as much as possible from the wreckage raining down.

More shouting. More sounds of war going on right outside the room I was in. I heard humans cursing, followed by otherworldly roars.

The Otherworld creatures were free.

I snapped my head up to stare at the entrance of the room when I heard nails scraping along the cinder block. A second later, half a body was thrown across the hall, the sickening squelch of it hitting the ground enough to make me gag.

And then a massive creature stood on the other side of the doorway. His upper body appeared that of a human man, all smooth darker skin and hard rippling muscles.

But his lower body was beastly, with hooves for feet, fur covering his legs and lower abdomen, and an embarrassingly huge penis hanging between his legs.

Of course I drew my attention away from that to look at his face, which still appeared semi-human, but he had arcing horns that swept backward over his skull, glowing eyes, and fangs that went past his bottom lip.

He stopped in the doorway and looked at me, head cocked to the side, and his form so big he wouldn’t have been able to clear the entryway without crouching low and turning his body.

The long fluorescent light in the room flickered on and off for a second before another earsplitting boom had the walls vibrating.

The light crashed down, the bulb shattering and plunging the room into darkness. The light that spilled inside was from the flickering yellow glow of the corridor, which only highlighted the fact that the big-ass creature still stood there.

His eyes were red as he stared at me, and I pulled again and again at my restraints. But the chains were magically enforced, and because I was Fae, I was no stronger than a human. On top of being constantly drugged, I was getting nowhere with my freedom.

“If you’re just gonna stand there and stare at me, maybe help a girl out and get these damn things off.” I rattled the chains. “Okay… well, if you don’t plan on helping me, then can you please kindly fuck off and get someone who can help? I’d prefer not to be buried alive down here.”

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