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I felt heat consume me, felt my nipples bead and my pussy become wet. I turned and faced the entrance of the study just as I heard the front door open and slam shut. A wave of excited apprehension filled me, and I tensed as I heard his heavy boots stomping in my direction, growing louder as he came closer.

He was panting as he came to a sudden stop in the doorway of the study, his chest rising and falling, his eyes glowing blue. He was all sweaty and sexy, and I could scent the musk clinging to him from working outside all day.

“My àlainneachd.” He clenched and relaxed his hands at his sides as if it were taking all his self-control not to come to me. “Come here,” he growled, and I shivered with pleasurable awareness. He lowered his head, his glowing eyes still locked on me. “Come here and take a shower with your mate.”

And I did just that.



Odhran’s estate was grand and extravagant, yet compared to the Scottish Lycan king’s home it seemed almost… modest in comparison.

We’d arrived at the royal family’s home an hour before, and I’d been introduced to everyone I hadn’t previously met.

I met Banner, the Scottish Lycan king who was regal and respectful. I met two of his sons, Caelan and Tavish, along with Cian, who was the general of the Guard—the army for the Lycans. I was happy to see Luna, Evie and Darragh again.

I met Romanian Lycans Ren and his brother Luca, who’d come from Eastern Europe with their mates, Mikalina, and Banner and Luna’s daughter Ainslee.

I’d been introduced to so many different people that I’d felt a little too overwhelmed. Everyone was so nice, hedging around the fact they wanted to ask how I was, if I was okay, how I was acclimating to it all.

But they were respectful of me and the situation, and stayed on neutral “safe” topics.

But my discomfort at being in any type of crowd was obvious because Odhran had sensed it, ushering me away with a gentle hand on my waist as he led me outside.

And that was where I currently was, alone on the patio overlooking the gardens because I’d insisted Odhran go speak with Banner and the other males about the measures that needed to be taken on taking out the Assembly.

I stared out at the beautiful, lit garden, with the night-blooming flowers and remembered the flowers Luna had given me from that very garden.

I leaned against the stone wall on the patio right off the ballroom. At least that was what I called the room. It had an elaborate antler-and-crystal chandelier that hung from the center of the ceiling, and a massive banquet table sat underneath, the top covered with gleaming silver platters that had been filled with so many different kinds of food, I’d never seen such choices.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw the mated couples congregating with each other. They looked so happy, smiling and laughing, and here I was, unable to be surrounded by so many people because I felt suffocated, claustrophobic.

I could see Odhran off in the corner speaking with Banner and two other large males. I didn’t miss how he kept glancing in my direction. Always my protector. Always making sure I was okay and comfortable.

After giving him a reassuring smile, I faced forward again and looked at the property. I could see dark shadows moving throughout the tree lines, knew that they were the guards who watched over the royal family. I looked down at the champagne glass I held, the liquid bubbly, the glass half filled because the flavor wasn’t to my liking.

I heard the patio door open and glanced over my shoulder once more to see Luna stepping out, her long blond hair hanging loosely around her shoulders and almost down to her waist.

She was beautiful in an ethereal kind of way, with bright blue eyes and porcelain skin. Her daughter Ainslee took after her in that regard. They were both so kind, with personalities that put me at ease instantly.

Luna’s brother Adryan had come by shortly before I stepped outside, a big hulking beast of a male with dark hair and bright blue eyes that was the complete opposite of his sister in every possible way.

He came across as an arrogant dick.

And yet he kept an arm around a dainty human female, one I instantly recognized as Kayla. As soon as she’d arrived with her mate and seen me, she’d covered her mouth with a hand, her eyes had gotten big and watery, and then she’d hugged me.

I remembered when I first met her back in that cell, how terrified she’d been, how she knew without a doubt her mate would come for her. I’d seen that reality in her eyes, and I felt this pleasure settle in me that they’d been reunited. I was genuinely happy she’d gotten out of the clutches of the Assembly.

I watched them for a few more seconds and felt a smile on my face. With everybody else Adryan had a stern, almost apathetic expression on his face. But I didn’t miss the longing in his eyes every time he turned and looked at his female.

Luna came to stand beside me, but neither of us said anything for long moments as we both gazed over the grounds. I could’ve started small talk, told her how gorgeous her home was, how beautiful the dinner had been. But the silence was comfortable. Comforting. So I stayed quiet and she did the same.

Murmured voices from inside filtered out, and after a while she finally turned her attention to me. I could feel her gaze and glanced over at her, giving Luna a genuine smile.

“I’ve never seen him so happy.” Were her first words.

I didn’t have to ask what she meant to understand her meaning.

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