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The vampire named Sebastian shook his head. “I’m burning this motherfucker to the ground, bathing in its ashes, and going to clean my teeth with the bones of the one named Tore.” The vampire grinned and tipped his head toward the hall. “Go, follow the carnage and bodies. They’ll lead you outside.”

I didn’t know what was going on or how any of this was possible, but I wasn’t going to question any of it. We didn’t have time for that, and I didn’t care about the details. Nothing short of death was going to stop me.

Odhran stared at Sebastian for a suspended second before giving a sharp nod, setting me down on my feet, and curling his hand tightly around mine. “Good luck. Destroy them all,” was all Odhran said before he tightened his hand around mine, and we ran.

He was fast and efficient, keeping me close yet away from all the other creatures and the anarchy. Panels were getting torn down, claws digging effortlessly into cinder block, lights and wiring being ripped and exposed.

Without full sedation and the magic keeping them in line, the creatures were feral, brutal, and finally exacting their revenge.

Lights hung broken from the ceilings, electrical wires were ripped from every available space, sparks flying from the exposed cords. I could feel the heat, thick smoke from a fire burning somewhere close sucking up the available oxygen.

The Otherworlders were going to take down this facility, kill everyone in it, and I had a feeling Sebastian was going to ensure this hurt the Assembly so irrevocably that the entire organization felt it to its blueprint.

We could hear shouting, scented humans, and a second later, a swarm of guards came forward, guns trained. Odhran pushed me behind him and roared, trying to let his Lycan come forward.

I could still scent the aroma of chemicals surrounding him and knew they’d used sedation on him recently enough that he wasn’t able to fully shift. But he didn’t need his beast to take them out. He was strong enough, even slightly weakened, to destroy every last one of them.

He went after any human that got close, dispatched their weapons as if they were toys. The gore and destruction, the sheer power coming from Odhran, was breath-stealing and awe-inspiring.

And when he killed everyone who stood in our way, he took my hand again, and we moved forward.

I couldn’t help but think about the others trapped in cells, trapped in this building that was being destroyed. And even though I’d seen Sebastian release many of them from their prisons, I also knew there were so many more. “What about the others, the others trapped in the cells?”

Odhran shook his head. “No time, lass. I only care about getting ye out and tae safety.”

In my mind, I knew he was right, that we didn’t have time to help anyone else, that going back and freeing the Otherworld creatures Sebastian may not have been able to help would surely be our downfall. But gods, did my heart break, and guilt swarmed me.

So we ran, hard and fast, Odhran’s hand so firm and warm in mine. It was a vise, a tether. Always an anchor.

We rounded a corner, and Odhran threw his arm out, stopping me from going any closer. I looked around his body and could see two very familiar faces amongst the slaughtering that was taking place.

Vox and Bane. The Angelis and the demon, who, despite having been at each other’s throats during the years of our captivity, were now fighting as one powerhouse unit.

I’d never seen anything so brutal as a demon ripping heads clean off of bodies and tossing them away, or Vox, the Angelis enraged with his completely pitch-black eyes, using his talon-tipped, onyx-colored wings to eviscerate any guard who came at him.

Blood was spraying like a geyser, covering the walls, the ceiling and floors, but most of all coating the two Otherworld males who were grinning from ear to ear as they wreaked havoc.

“Is that all you got, demon?” Vox roared, then tipped his head back and laughed, his fangs flashing and blood dripping off his face and onto his chest.

Bane growled, his body growing bigger and thicker with muscle right before my eyes, as he snarled at Vox, “You are such a cocksucker. If I wasn’t in the middle of killing these motherfuckers, I’d kick your ass once and for all.” And then Bane gave him the middle finger.

A guard was foolish enough to come from behind and try to tranq Bane, but I could see his smile widen, because he knew the human was there. His claws grew exponentially from his fingers, black and razor-tipped. I knew demons could emit poison from them and watched as he swiped out and dragged them across the human’s face, tearing away skin and bone and plucking out his eyeballs as if they were nothing but grapes in a bowl.

Vox and Bane turned and looked at us, their eyes that dangerous black that came from their demon sides. Then they both grinned. Odhran let out a low growl of warning, and Bane chuckled.

“Relax, wolf. We have no need to go after you when we have a houseful of motherfuckers we plan on killing to sate our bloodlust.” Bane looked at us, and I saw this strange expression flicker across his face. His fangs were so long and thick he couldn’t close his mouth fully, but even still, his expression was almost… soft. “Take your mate, wolf. Take her far from this hellhole.”

“And make sure to kill a few bastards on the way out,” Vox shouted, then started laughing.

Odhran gripped my hand and left without another word.

We made another couple of turns and then… oh gods, I could see moonlight, could practically smell the fresh air already washing around me.

I stumbled, and Odhran was about to lift me up, but I shook my head. “No. No, please.”

Although my feet hurt something fierce, I refused to let him carry me. I needed to do this, to walk out of here on my own. I’d been dreaming of this moment for far too long.

“Almost there, lass.” He squeezed his hand around mine, his voice gruff, his breathing harsh.

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