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Oh gods. I’ll kill them all ten times over.

She had a bruise on her cheek that snaked up to her ear. I felt even more primal that they dared touch my tiny nymph mate, her species so fragile and gentle, kind and naturally sweet. She’d never hurt anyone, never say a word that would harm another.

I looked at Tore, who was speaking with a third male who’d entered, then snapped my focus to D. He watched me with that sadistic smile on his face, and when he lifted his hand and pulled at a chain that hung around his neck, my breath left me viciously.

He wore Larkin’s necklace, the one that I’d worn for decades, the one that had been taken from me when they captured me.

He chuckled low as he brought the anchor to his mouth and ran his lips over it.

“I’m going tae kill ye slowly,” I said in a low, even voice to D. “I’m going tae rip yer heart out and present it tae my mate as a gift.”

D had the intelligence to lose the fucking grin, tuck the necklace back into his shirt, and move a step back.

“Welcome, esteemed cardholders,” Tore said in a raised voice, and the humans watching through the glass perked up.

The soft female moan that came from Larkin had me snapping my head in her direction and straining against my bonds.

Get tae her. Gods, please let me get tae her. Tae hold her. Tae tell her everything is okay now, and I’ll never let anyone take her from me again.

“Ah, my sweet lass,” I wheezed out, my chest too tight, my heart breaking over and over again as I watched her wake up and fight through the clear confusion. “I’m here, darlin’.” I bared my teeth as the one called D stepped forward. “Ye’d do best tae stay away from her.”

He paused and cocked his head. “Don’t think you’re much of a threat, Lycan.” He grinned and reached out, grabbing a lock of her hair and rubbing it between his fingers.

My eyes flashed as I stared at him. “Ye signed yer death warrant before now, but now that ye’re touching my female…” I felt a surge of power move through me. “Now, I’m going tae make sure I kill ye nice and slow. I’m going tae fooking enjoy tearing yer throat out and offering it tae my mate as a second prize.”

There was a round of cheering from the humans on the other side of the glass, the scent of their disgusting eagerness seeping through the cracks and filling the small medical room.

Tore clapped his hands and said in a booming voice, “We have a special attraction for our VIP cardholders. We are so honored to be able to invite you to witness the connection a mated pair have, and when one hurts, the other does too. A mating like no other.”

There was a round of laughter from the men, some of them nudging the others with their shoulders, winking, the grins becoming salacious.

Tore chuckled. “Now, now. It’s not one of those kinds of sessions, although if you’d like to see one of our more adult-catered exhibits, please see one of the attendants on your way out to reserve your seat.”

Larkin opened her eyes—her bright blue eyes. I remembered them all too well, ones I saw every time I closed my own. But that hazy expression changed as she realized where she was, a frantic look covering her face.

She knew where she was. She knew what was about to happen… because it’s happened tae her before.

My female started pulling at her restraints, but despite being an Otherworld species, she was delicate, her strength that of a human’s. My sweet little mate was far too weak and drugged to break free, even if she weren’t clearly drained of energy, hurt, and malnourished.

“Lass.” The word was nothing but a brutal croak from my throat. I wanted to be strong for her, to show her everything would be okay, but I couldn’t break free to get to her. I couldn’t protect her… again.

And when D gripped her hair hard enough she cried out, I roared, the chains rattling against the wall as I pulled on the cuffs, yanking until my skin broke open and rivulets of blood poured down my forearms.

“No more. No more, please,” she murmured hoarsely over and over again, and I didn’t think my heart could break any more.

What had they done to her?

“Awe, my sweet Larkin. My sweet girl.”

She turned her head in my direction then, her blue eyes so big and wide with fear, her body tight as she anticipated pain.

She’s used tae this. Aw, gods, she’s used tae this.

Her vision cleared, her eyes flaring for another reason as we stared at each other. Recognition.

“Od… Odhran? Is that really you?” She was crying now, big tears streaming down her face, her pale skin streaked with dirt.

It was then I truly took in the state of her, how the gown she wore was tattered and ripped, the skin I could see dirty, her feet bare, bruises covering her legs and arms.

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