Page 156 of The Lycans: Vol Four

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When she didn’t say anything for so long, I pulled back to cup the side of her face. “What is it, sweetheart?”

She had this nervous expression on her face that instantly had me on alert. But before I could start demanding who had hurt her so I could go fuck them up, she smiled and cupped my cheek. That small touch instantly stilled the vengeful demon inside of me.

“So protective,” she murmured. “I wanted to ask how you felt about children.”

For a second her question caught me off guard. “Children?”

She swallowed, her throat working as she nodded.

The scent of her nervousness rose up, and I scowled, hating that she was on edge around me. “I’ve never in my life had an opinion on children.” I shrugged.

She stared off, her brows lowering.

“Did some little shit say something to you?” She glanced at me and arched an eyebrow. “I mean, I don’t hurt children, but I’ll give them a stern talking-to about respect. Or I can kick their father’s ass for not teaching them better.”

She just blinked at me before she burst out laughing. “Gods, I love you.” As soon as she said the words, her eyes widened and she snapped her mouth closed.

My heart, which had calmed its frantic tempo from fucking the hell out of Ada, picked up speed again at her confession.

“Say it again,” I demanded, frantic to hear those three words spilling from her lush mouth. I shook my head and closed my eyes, then said softer, gentler, “Please, say them again, sweetheart.”

Ada reached up, cupped my cheeks, and rose onto her toes to press her lips against mine. “Sebastian Darris… I love you.” She kissed me once, twice, and a third little peck. “I love you so much that it’s kind of annoying how obsessed I am with you.”

I crushed her to me and kissed her for so long I knew she couldn’t breathe. I knew I was holding her too tightly. But Jesus Christ, I couldn’t help it. My mate loved me. Me. A fucking insane lunatic who’d killed for sport for over a century. Me, who’d been called a sociopath and embraced that title because it was true.

Until her.

Until Ada.

She breathed life into me, made me realize that there was so much more to… all of this than just what I’d been doing.

“I love you. Until my heart stops beating and I’m rotting in the ground. You’re mine and all my love is yours.” My words were firm, the certainty in them clear.

She rested her forehead against the center of my chest, and I continued smoothing my hand up and down her back, then moved up to cup the back of her head.

For long moments she let me hold her, maybe realizing I needed this, needed the reassurance that I had her and I’d never let her go.


“Hmmm, sweetheart?”

Her breath hitched. “What would you say if I told you I’d like to talk about starting a family?”

I grew still, her words something I never thought in my life I’d have uttered to me.

I was speechless, but then I felt my smile spread. I felt… I felt fucking happy, my chest warm because this woman, this incredible female, wanted to have a family with me.

“I want to give you anything—everything.” I kissed her when she opened her mouth, stopping her from saying anything. “But in this instance I want this, too, Ada. Fuck, I want to fill you up, get you pregnant, and have little baby Adas running around.” The image of that had my grin splitting wider. “Little girls with red hair and green eyes just like their mother.”

“Really?” she whispered, her eyes wide.

“Baby…” My chest tightened and I ran my palm over it. “Really.” I kissed the tip of her nose and pulled back. “How about we get started on that right now?” Before she could respond, I lifted her into my arms, her squeal of surprise and happiness ringing in my ear.

I kissed her temple as I strode out of my office, up the stairs and right into our bedroom.

“First I’m gonna fuck you in the shower, then in the bed?—”

“Shower first, then my therapy appointment, then the bed,” she said on a giggle.

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