Page 133 of The Lycans: Vol Four

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“So what’s the plan? What’s the next step, because I’m not letting him stay wherever the fuck he’s at,” Kane grated out.

I didn’t answer for a long moment as I mulled it all over, figuring out a plan. When I faced Kane again, he was leaning forward, his expression telling me he was ready to get this shit done and over with.

“I’ll let Banner know we’re going after Sebastian and see what the fuck is up with this portal. If it’s still open, we’ll gather a team and go in.”

Kane nodded once, his face hardening. “And what if we can’t get through?”

It was my turn to lean in, and clasp my hands together. “Then we find a fucking way to get in and get out with him. There is no other option.”

A low growl left Kane, and he slowly leaned back. “No other option.”

I shook my head. “He’s family. Now let’s go save his ass.”



My entire body ached, and I shifted, wincing as a rock dug into my ass. I reached down and grabbed it, tossing it in the direction of the Diablos. He’d told me his name was Torvic even though I hadn’t asked or cared to know.

Torvic had stalked back and forth, glancing periodically toward the entrance of the cave, and continuing his psychotic, insane mumbling that I couldn’t understand.

I kept my distance and didn’t speak. I wasn’t suicidal, after all. Instead I’d just been thinking, mulling everything over in my mind on how I was going to get out of here.

I had no doubt that Sebastian was indeed trying to find me, or he would as soon as the sun set, but I also wasn’t stupid in thinking that the probability of me being found was good.

We were high up on the mountain, and I was pretty sure that as soon as the sun set, Torvic would leave and take me farther away.

I mean, if I were in his position and had a homicidal vampire stalking me to get his female back, I would’ve done the same.

Then again, this creature didn’t look like anything scared it, so maybe this was going to be my home for the foreseeable future.

That thought had me wrinkling my nose again as I looked around the disgusting space.

I’d gotten somewhat used to the rotting scent, but every now and then I got a concentrated whiff of decay that had me nearly turning my head to throw up.

“What are you called, female?”

The sound of his harsh voice had me pushing away my thoughts and glancing at him. I pursed my lips and kept quiet.

He stayed silent, too, but after a second I could see the annoyance in his face as he stalked closer.

“You’re here until I decide you’re not, so might as well tell me what you’re called instead of making me force you.”

I narrowed my eyes at him and didn’t speak again for a long moment. “I’m Sebastian’s mate. That’s who I am.”

He came closer and closer until he crouched in front of me, his massive thigh muscles clenching from the shift in motion, his body so big and wide I couldn’t see anything around his form.

“Maybe I’ll leave you up here while I go search out your vampire.” He tipped his head to the side as if contemplating this. “Maybe I’ll bring him back so you can watch me pull out his fangs and nails until you feel like telling me what I want to know.”

My heart thundered and I felt my throat closing. I knew he was telling the truth.

“Let’s try this again.” He leaned in and inhaled sharply. “What are you called?”

“Ada,” I whispered.

He grunted and stood and strode away instantly. I exhaled in relief. I’d do anything to make sure Sebastian was okay.

“I won’t ever stop trying to get away from you.”

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