Page 121 of The Lycans: Vol Four

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But after I spoke, water sprayed out of his mouth as if my question had taken him off guard. I had to lean back to avoid being drenched.

“Club?” he asked incredulously, coughing slightly and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

I shrugged. “Yeah, like Boy Scouts in the human world?”

It was his turn to cock an eyebrow a second before he said, “No, baby. Not like the Boy Scouts.”

I waited for him to elaborate, but when he didn’t right away, I held my hands out, palms up, no doubt looking impatient.

“Well, are you gonna tell me about this big, bad vampire clan and your cousin, Adryan, who runs it?”

He took another long drink of water before handing it to me. I shook my head, and when he did that typical Sebastian scowl, I rolled my eyes and grabbed the canister, then took a drink from it. I gave him an expression that spoke loudly. Are you happy now?

He grunted again, appeased with me obeying him. Otherworld males were definitely a dominant kind.

“Adryan is the leader of the vampires in the United States, with connections to other clans all over the world. He’s based out of Ryeka, New York.”

Sounded important. “And what exactly do you do for him? Paperwork? Bookkeeping?” It was hard keeping a straight face after I said that.

I saw the darkening of Sebastian’s eyes as if he were highly offended that I’d ever suggest such a thing. It took everything in me not to chuckle.

“Enforcement.” He said the word matter-of-factly and puffed out his chest. “And I’m the fucking best.”

It was strange how arrogance coming from him could be so… hot.

And I wasn’t surprised that his title was such a brutal and violent one.

He was big and strong, and he had this air about him that made me think he’d never allowed himself to have much pleasure in life, if any.

“Well, it’s just me,” I said and shrugged, looking at the small fire that burned between us. I used my foot to push a couple of the larger rocks closer that we’d used to make a border around the flames and wood.

When I glanced up because of Sebastian’s silence, I saw that he watched me intently, waiting for me to continue, to go at my own pace.

“My parents passed away ten years back. No siblings. It’s just been me staying below the radar because it’s easier to not be anyone than to be someone.” I shrugged again, more to myself than because of what I’d said.

After that the continued silence stretched on uncomfortably.

“You’re not alone any longer. Not ever again.” He leaned in and braced his forearms on his thighs, looking at me severely as if those words were the only bond I needed.

And all I could do was nod.

He handed me another piece of meat he’d torn off the feathered creature and cooked on a large rock on top of the fire. I was glad the moment had shifted to something else.

When I shook my head, his scowl had me rolling my eyes and taking what he offered.

“Bossy,” I murmured, but I couldn’t stop the smile that he was adamant on taking care of me.

I had to admit the bird-creature tasted like chicken. Wasn’t that always the case?

He kept forcing food and water at me. Finally I had to scowl at him and shake my head while holding my hand out to stop him.

My stomach was fuller than it had been in a very long time, and because of that a lethargy settled in me, urging me to just lie down and sleep.

He huffed out in acceptance that he couldn’t force the issue, and I watched as he got the rest of the meat off the bird and ate it.

I didn’t know how he was surviving on so little food, but then as if reminding me, my neck tingled.

Before I realized what I was doing, I lifted my hand and touched the side of my neck. I felt two wounds, one from the first moment he woke up and attacked me, and the second fresh from what we’d done hours before.

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