Page 107 of The Lycans: Vol Four

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The more angry and desperate I’d become.

The more possessive and obsessed I’d become where she was concerned.

Hell, I’d break a fucker’s neck just for looking at her, and I hadn’t even claimed my female yet.

“So you admit you want me,” I said smugly and grinned, then chuckled when she rolled her eyes.

I felt a warmth spread throughout the center of my chest as her perfect, pink bow-like lips curved up slightly.

“I’m not gonna stroke your ego even more by admitting anything.” She cast me a sly glance. “You know I want you.”

That one phrase was whispered so low I almost didn’t hear it, but I found myself right in front of her a second later, my hand loosely wrapped around her throat as I crowded around her small body. I added a little pressure, seeing her pupils dilate and getting harder at the fact that my tiny female was into the darker desires I so desperately wanted to give her.

The longer I stared into her green eyes, the more I felt myself get lost. “So perfect,” I whispered and slid my hand up the column of her neck so I could smooth my thumb along her bottom lip.

She parted her mouth as she took in a sharp breath.

“So perfect I can’t believe you’re real…” I leaned in, inhaling deeply and making a pleasurable sound deep within my chest. “Or that you’re mine.” I was just about to kiss her, to press her to the ground and bury my face in her sweet pussy when a faint chittering sound that was far too close for comfort echoed all around us.

“Sebastian…” she whispered, wariness and uncertainty in her voice.

“I heard it, sweetheart,” I said just as softly.

I turned and kept my back to Ada, my body being used as a shield.

“I can fight, too.” The strength in her voice had pride filling me.

Although we stayed close enough to the mountain that we would be able to find a cave easily and fast when the sun rose, we were closer to the tree line of the forest tonight, so that we’d be able to spot anything that would give us answers.

I heard the chittering sound again and looked up into the treetops. I could see clearly in the darkness, but the thick shadows and heavy foliage still made it difficult to spot things with precision.

And although the sound seemed like it came from above, it echoed all around us, bouncing off in every other direction so it made pinpointing its location almost impossible.

“Maybe we should go find a cave?”

I reached behind me and tightened my hand around her waist, pulling her closer to my back as I kept turning us around and looking in all directions.

“I’m not a weakling, but I also have no idea what we’re up against, and retreating might be the best idea, Sebastian.” The chittering sounded louder, closer. She reached out and gripped my shirt, pressing her chest closer to my back.

“As much as I’d love to keep you secluded in a cave and protected, I have a feeling that whatever is out there will just follow us. I need to handle it now. Take it out so it’s not a threat to you.”

There was the sound again, followed by the very distinct noise of something big and heavy dropping to the ground. I felt the vibrations under my feet and kept Ada behind me as I turned in the direction the creature was coming from.

“Stay behind me and let me do the heavy lifting,” I said in a hushed tone. “But be ready, Ada.”

“For what?” Her voice was whisper-thin.

“For anything, baby.”

I felt my body tense as whatever had dropped to the ground moved toward us. The thump-thump-slide, thump-thump-slide of it moving across the forest ground became louder and more ominous. Fear wasn’t an emotion I’d ever experienced, but right now I felt something suffocating me at the thought of Ada getting hurt.

But that fear faded as my anger, as the vampiric side of me rose up and took control. I saw red, the ruby glow from my eyes washing the area in front of us and finally showing what was coming for us.

I bared my fangs, bending my knees and thrusting my upper body forward.

“Holy shit,” Ada breathed in a terrified tone.

“Yeah, sounds about right, sweetheart. Stay back.”

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