Page 57 of Second Chance at Us

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“A whole month without band stuff?” I asked. I thought about the month stretched out before us. Would this turn into a month spent together, planning out the recording studio and going on silly first dates? I certainly hoped so.

“A whole month,” he repeated. “Just the two of us.”

I felt my stomach flip as he said this. For the first time in our relationship, we were on the same page. I leaned in and kissed him and Callum kissed me back. His hand came to my upper arm, and he squeezed it gently. I felt his happiness and commitment in that kiss. It was like Callum could finally breathe again, and now that all that business with the band was settled, we could block out the world for a moment.

Callum deepened the kiss and I forgot that we were outside in an open field where anyone could see us. I only knew Callum’s lips on my own and the thrill of potential that coursed through both of us following our commitment to each other. Callum pressed forward so I was lying on my back, and I felt the rough flannel of the picnic blanket below us. He leaned over and kissed my neck and then his hand was on my stomach, his fingers drifting down to the hem of my shirt.

I smiled at him as he ran his fingers against the sensitive skin of my stomach and tried not to squirm as his fingers tickled me. He looked down at me with a smirk, enjoying this, and I grabbed his hand and pulled it to my chest, hugging his arm to me and bringing his body closer. He gazed into my eyes and then he dropped his lips onto mine. I felt the soft touch of them as he gently kissed me. The sweep of his tongue along my bottom lip sent a shiver through me.

Callum seemed to notice, because he instantly doubled down on our kissing. His arm was squeezed between our bodies as my breath began to come more quickly with each caress. I felt desperate for him, eager to hold every part of him against me and never let him go. Callum’s leg hitched around my own, so I felt the comforting pressure of his hip pressed against mine as he rested on his elbow so he wouldn’t crush me with his larger frame.

The hand between us was back to the peek of skin along my stomach, but now he ran his fingers up and under my shirt, above my belly button and toward my breasts. My whole body was buzzing, and even this gentle touch was electricity I could feel in every extremity. A gentle throbbing was building between my legs as Callum’s hand found my breast and he began to rub against the hard nub of my nipple.

I gasped when he touched me, and Callum nipped gently along my jaw line as his fingers teased. A small moan escaped me, and the sound was enough to bring my head back to reality. I was reminded that we were outside in a public park where anyone could see us. This portion of the park was definitely more secluded, far away from the playgrounds and the dog park, and the sky was darkening around us, but we never knew who might come walking by.

“What if someone sees us?” I whispered, but I knew my voice was already betraying me. It was dripping with desire and an unspoken pleading for Callum to continue.

“Don’t worry,” he said. His hand switched to my other breast as he kissed me sweetly on the temple. “I’m watching. I’ll stop if someone’s coming.”

Before I could protest, his hand snaked down to my waistband and he undid the button of my jeans. I pushed my hips up, trying to press against his leg that was still wrapped around my own, but he had positioned himself tight against my side so he could have better access to what was waiting between my legs. Still, I felt his arousal long and hard against my hip, and it brought waves of pleasure directly to my core.

Callum didn’t wait to press below my underwear, and I gasped as he quickly dipped into my folds and felt the wetness waiting for him. I felt like a live wire as his touch made my hips jerk up in surprise, and then he was stroking me—long and insistent touches that brought quiet gasps as I felt pressure instantly building between my legs.

“Look at you,” he whispered. My eyes were squeezed tight, but I blinked my eyes open to look up at him. He continued his rhythm, growing faster with each stroke, and I could hardly keep my gaze on him for all the pleasure clouding my brain. He bent down and locked his lips with my own before locking his fingers over my sensitive button. I gasped and lifted my hips again, feeling how close I was and delighting in the way this man could make me melt beneath his fingers.

“I always knew it was you,” he whispered. I thought about our first time together this summer: Our fast and surprising coupling in his theater dressing room. I thought about dinner and conversation at my house, and that day we toured the town looking at properties. And there was that beautiful moment earlier today when Callum played me his music in the middle of the hardware store. He had written a song about me and this summer.

But now I knew it wasn’t the first time Callum had written a song on my account. All those years ago, in this very field, Callum had professed his love. And I was finally here to hear it.

Callum kissed me as his fingers moved fast between my legs. I pressed my lips against him as pressure built, and I let myself move toward it. I pushed my hips up and angled myself in the perfect position to feel his expert hands, his mouth on mine, and the warmth of his body beside me. I was close; another moment and I knew I would crash into pleasure that would ripple through me. I wanted to tell him not to stop, to keep going and do exactly what he was doing, but the words that came out of me were different.

“Stay with me,” I gasped. And suddenly the pressure of his fingers brought me to completion. I cried out, much louder than I should have, and my whole body shook in the aftermath. Waves of pleasure washed through me, and Callum tucked my face into his neck as he held me, letting me ride out the journey. My eyes were squeezed closed, and I lost myself for a moment, content to disappear into the euphoria all around me, knowing that Callum was there to protect and keep me safe. We lay like that for a long moment, surrounded by the sound of cicadas emerging with the evening and feeling goosebumps rise on our skin as the air cooled around us.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he whispered. I opened my eyes to see his adoring gaze looking down at me. Callum slid his fingers out from between my legs and I smirked at him, overwhelmed by what we had just done out in this field where things between us had begun.

“Me neither,” I promised him.



“Sounds great, everyone. I think we got it!”

I spoke to the band from the control room where I was listening behind the audio engineers. The band in the booth looked back with smiles, amped up by the adrenaline of performing their own music in a professional recording studio. The group reminded me of the young musician I was when I first entered the industry.

“Great job,” I said, slapping Aidan and Genevieve on the backs in a gesture of thanks. They had been my first hires for the recording studio, and I remembered how nervous I was as I interviewed them. But I was starting to realize that I should go ahead and trust my instincts. These audio technicians had worked out wonderfully, proving themselves to be responsible and kind employees. A lot of the times they taught me things about the business!

The receptionist I had hired last month was also proving herself invaluable. Not only did Jess have a killer instinct for administration and calendars, she was already showing me how great of a marketer she was. Only a month in, and I was planning to move her from part-time receptionist to full-time executive assistant. After the success of my recent solo album, the recording studio was getting more inquiries than we could handle. I was going to need some more help to keep this place running.

A knock on the door drew my attention away from thoughts of our success. Instead, I smiled for an entirely new reason, knowing who would be waiting for me on the other side of the door.

“Look at that smile,” Aidan teased. “If that’s not a man in love, I don’t know what is.”

I rolled my eyes as Genevieve wagged her eyebrows at me. I ignored them as I crossed to the door and opened it to find Darcy standing there.

“Oh, good!” She said when she saw me. “I thought your ‘recording’ sign would never go off.”

I slipped my arm around her back and pulled her close so I could kiss her. Darcy let out a small squeal of surprise as she shifted the picnic basket she held away from our bodies so it wouldn’t get crushed.

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