Page 13 of Second Chance at Us

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“Sorry for the tight fit,” I said as the three of us squeezed into the space. The venue had left me a bottle of scotch (likely something Brady had written into my contract), and I unstacked three plastic cups onto the counter so I could pour.

“The songs were wonderful, Cal,” Liz declared again as I handed out the shots.

“They really were,” agreed Darcy. My head whipped around at Darcy’s compliment, and our eyes met as I smiled at her.

“I’m glad you liked it,” I said. I was surprised by how true those words were. Hearing Darcy approve of the new music felt more important than any future record executive’s opinion.

“To a good summer,” I said, lifting my plastic cup in the air.

“To a good summer,” Liz and Darcy repeated. We knocked our cups together and we all drank. I felt the scotch warm and harsh as it burned its way down my throat. Next time, I would ask Brady to specify something a bit closer to the top shelf.

“It’s past my bedtime,” Liz announced, slamming her cup onto the counter.

“I thought you wanted to drink!” I laughed. I was often amused by Liz’s whims, floating from one thought to the next.

“We drank!” she exclaimed, gesturing to the scotch. For the second time that night, Liz wrapped her arms around my neck. “Congratulations,” she said. Her hug was warm and genuine, and I hugged her back firmly. I was trying to thank her for all the support she had given me since coming home.

“I’ll drive you home,” Darcy said, gathering her purse, but Liz shook her head.

“Eric’s outside for me.” I didn’t know Liz’s husband well, but from everything I knew, Eric was a devoted husband who cared about Liz. That made him good in my book.

Liz gave Darcy a hug before putting a hand on her cheek in an affectionate gesture.

“Stay and have another drink,” Liz insisted. Something seemed to pass between the two of them, but I couldn’t work out what it might mean. All at once, Liz was bouncing out of the dressing room, leaving Darcy and me alone in the small space.

“Well,” I said, shaking my head. I felt like we had just survived a Liz-shaped tornado, quickly touching down before evaporating just as quickly. “Another drink?”

“Why not?” Darcy replied, and her laugh was relaxed and friendly. I had expected her to excuse herself politely and slip out of the room. Instead, she had opted to stay, even taking a seat on the couch. I wasn’t about to question it. I poured a new round of drinks and walked them over to her.

“Thanks.” Darcy’s hand reached up to take the cup. She looked at me carefully as our hands touched in the handoff. What was she thinking? I sat down on the couch beside her and sipped the cheap alcohol, waiting.

“How do you feel?” Darcy asked. She pulled a leg up onto the couch so she could turn to face me.

“About the show?” I turned to her as well, settling into a more comfortable position. The couch was so small our knees almost touched. What would happen if I shifted forward a bit? If I allowed my knee to touch hers?

“Yeah. After a show … do you feel excited? Or more of a letdown?”

The cheap alcohol was already going to my head. I felt warm and relaxed as I rested my arm along the back of the couch. I always felt both satisfied and eager after a show, filled with a buzz unlike any other.

“Depends,” I shrugged. I took in the slight smile on her face and the pink flush on her cheeks.

“On what?”

I swallowed, downing my cup. Was there an invitation in her eyes? I took a breath and considered her carefully before answering.

“It depends on how the show went. And, once the show’s over, if I have someone special to celebrate with.”



Ifelt my stomach flip at Callum’s words.

“Someone to celebrate with?” I asked, teasing him. “Is that what we’re doing?”

There was a flash in Callum’s eyes, though whether it was shock or desire I couldn’t tell. He nodded as his eyes slightly narrowed in my direction.

“Yes,” he said. “I would say we’re celebrating.”

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