Page 66 of Deadly Devotion

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“Daisy.” I pull her head onto my lap. Her breathing comes in fast rasps as tears run down my face and onto her cheeks. “Stay with me.”

“I’m sorry,” she gasps, her eyes flickering closed. “Look after… Ivy…”

“No!” I yell. “You’re not going anywhere!”

I couldn’t protect her before, but now…

“Dove?” Hale’s roar echoes around the room. “Dove!”

He races towards us. He’s topless, with a roughly dressed wound, and seems to have completely forgotten about his own pain. Callen follows, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

“Penelope shot her in the back,” Freddie says. “None of us saw her coming.”

“Baby…” Hale strokes Daisy’s hair as her blood soaks through my trousers. “You’re going to be okay.”

“Callen.” I look up at him. He’s our only hope. “You have to save her.”

“She’s lost a lot of blood,” Callen says, kneeling to take her pulse. “Her pulse is slowing.” His voice is tense, on edge, unlike him. “We’re losing her.”

“She’s survived worse than this,” Hale says. “She’s strong.”

“Come on, Dais,” I whisper. “We need you. I need you. Stay with us a little longer. Please.”



“Please, Callen.” Ivy’s pleading eyes are filled with desperate pain. The hurt of being on the brink of losing the person you love more than anything. “Save her.”

The amount of blood covering the floor and soaking my shoes doesn’t look good, and Daisy’s grey skin has broken out in a clammy sweat. The bullet went right through her back and out of the other side. Who knows what kind of damage it’s done and which organs it’s damaged? I’m good at what I do, but I’m not a magician.

“I can try to patch her up enough to get to the hospital, but she’ll need surgery,” I say. “Real surgery.”

“I’ll carry her,” Hale insists.

“No.” He’s still recovering from his injuries, and the pain meds I gave him might affect his balance. “Let Bram do it.”

He’s the strongest.

Hale’s eyes fill with tears, and he blinks them away.

“Be careful,” he urges gruffly as Bram lifts her carefully.

“Try to keep her as still as possible,” I urge.

From the look of the exit wound, the bullet should have avoided her spinal cord, but we can’t be too careful.

Bram carries her to the medical room, where supplies are already strewn across every surface after my work on Hale. The Killers Club has an impressive facility and tools but, without intervention, Daisy won’t make it.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Hale says as Bram places her down gently on the bed.

“You need to give me some fucking room,” I say gruffly. “I’m not a miracle worker.”

The Dukes may have got through tonight alive, but losing Daisy would shatter Ivy. She can’t lose her sister again.

“Do exactly as I say,” I order. “And she might stand a chance…”

Every second counts. I can’t let her die on my watch. Ivy would never forgive me, and I’m not leaving that little girl without her mum if I can help it.

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