Page 50 of Deadly Devotion

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“I know the place,” Ivy says, reading over his shoulder. “It’s a Killers Club building. I’ve stayed there a few times before. They use it when overseas agents are in the city and need somewhere to stay.”

“So, they operate an assassin network and a B&B?” Callen lets out a low whistle. “Real scary.”

Ivy rolls her eyes. “When are we leaving?”

Seb looks at me for advice, but I bite my tongue.

“Within the hour,” he says, stepping up. “There are three cars in the hotel basement already waiting.”

A swell of pride fills my chest. He’s better at this than he thinks.

Ivy flicks her hair over her shoulder. “I’ll be ready to leave in five. No later.”

She goes to collect a few belongings, mainly the clothes that we picked out together. When we re-group a few minutes later, we’re carrying minimal belongings, and Bram insists on carrying Ivy’s bag for her.

“Is she incapable of carrying her own shit?” Callen asks. “Or have you always wanted to be a butler?”

Bram’s eyes narrow.

“He’s a gentleman,” Ivy says. “Something you’ll never understand. And if you think I’m incapable, we can take it to the mat again.”

Callen’s eyes light up with excitement. “Hell yeah, I’m ready for?—”

“No more fighting.” Seb ends their sparring. “We need to conserve our strength. What if one of you gets hurt?”

“It’s not me you have to worry about,” Ivy replies, making Bram snort in amusement.

“We’ll split up to travel in pairs,” he says. “It’s better to move in smaller groups, in case we face any unwelcome surprises en route.”

We await our allocations.

“Callen, you’re travelling alone,” Seb says. Wise move. “Freddie and Ivy will be in the next car, then me and Bram...”

Bram’s eyebrows lower in disagreement, but Seb holds his finger up. “That’s my final decision.”

“I don’t want to travel with him,” Ivy objects like a sulky teenager. “Why can’t I go with Bram?”

Callen wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “There’s space in my car, princess.”

“You’re travelling alone, Cal,” Seb says definitively. “I’ve seen you drive. I’m not risking an accident on the way.” His voice takes on a firmer, more authoritative edge. “Let’s move.”

Everyone nods. We walk through the hotel in silence, all on high alert, like soldiers moving through a warzone. Ivy tries to keep her distance, brushing her shoulder against the walls to avoid coming into contact with me.

Once we reach the underground car park, Seb leads us to our getaway vehicles. A shiny red Mustang. A slick silver Mercedes. And a black Range Rover. All bullet-proof and, most importantly, fast.

“Sweet,” Callen admires, checking them out. “Bagsy the red one!”

Seb hurls the key at his head, then hands me the keys to the Range Rover.

“We’re taking three different routes to spread the risk and confuse anyone if we’re tailed,” he says. “Everyone happy with that?”

Bram grunts to show he isn’t. If he had his way, he and Ivy would be joined at the hip. Seb briefed us on the routes before we left. I’m familiar with the route and have memorised the directions.

“Yes, we are,” Ivy says, then turns to Bram. “Daisy and Ivy are all that matters.”

Keeping you safe is all that matters to me, I want to say. I wince as she plants a tender kiss on Bram’s cheek. Each day, she slices away another piece of my heart. It won’t be long until I’m left with an empty hole in my chest, along with the gnawing regret of what I should have done instead.

“Let’s go,” I say, climbing into the driver’s seat.

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