Page 39 of Deadly Devotion

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Callen’s gaze softens instantly. Perhaps he’s transported back to when he had Tilly to look after.

“Sure we can,” he says. “I know just the place.”

“She’ll be safe with him,” Seb promises.

Hale opens his mouth to argue, and Daisy dares to look at me again. I nod, a slight incline of my head. I don’t know whether she noticed or whether she was searching for my opinion, but she plasters on a fake smile seconds later.

“You go along and make a blanket fort with the…” She grimaces. “Nice man.”

“Yay!” Ivy squeals and takes Callen’s hand. “Let’s go!”

He has no choice but to be hauled away, glaring at Seb over his shoulder. It’s a good thing he’s out of the way. Cal’s our loose cannon, the one who could make everything blow up.

With Ivy in the next room, the tense atmosphere reaches a boiling point.

“So…” Stephanie sashays over to the sofa to make herself comfortable. As usual, she looks like a movie star. Her tight red dress cuts off above the knee and pairs with her strappy matching stilettos perfectly. She crosses her long, tanned legs and flashes Seb a pearly white smile. “Are you going to offer me a drink, or does royalty usually have servants for that?”

“Why don’t you stop wasting our fucking time and tell us why you’re here?” I spit, unable to contain my anger any longer.

Stephanie laughs, flicking her hair over her shoulder. “So you’re still mad at me, huh? I don’t know anyone who can hold grudges like you do.” She winks. “Have I made it onto your list yet?”

“You’re quickly moving to the top of it,” I reply.

“You said you needed our help,” Freddie cuts in to end the back-and-forth word-slinging match. “What is it you want to talk about?”

Daisy looks at Stephanie to continue.

“You’re always so quick to jump straight into business,” Stephanie says, wagging her finger at him. “All business and no play!”

“Not everyone likes to fuck with people’s lives for fun like you do,” I snarl.

“I’m sensing tension between us,” she says. “Look, I know you’re pissed about the dungeon thing, but I had no choice. You know what Alaric’s like. I knew you wouldn’t die when you were locked up with Mute Muscles over there. He’s a gentleman.”

“So you were counting on the goodwill of a stranger not to kill me? I’m so glad our friendship meant that much to you,” I reply bitterly. “During all the years we’ve known each other, why didn’t you tell me about Daisy and Ivy, or did you just get a kick out of seeing me suffer?”

She sighs. “It’s complicated.”

“It doesn’t seem complicated,” I say. “You turned us both into monsters.”

“I helped make you strong,” she says. “And now you both know the truth—well, most of it, anyway—the time is right.”

“For what?” Seb asks.

Stephanie’s face lights up. She looks like she should be a Vogue cover model, yet there’s a murderous edge to her perfect smile.

“To kill Alaric, of course.”



What the actual fuck?

Seb frowns, thinking the same.

Stephanie checks her freshly manicured black nails with pointed tips. “I like this colour, but maybe I’ll go for red next time. What do you think?”

“Kill him?” I question. “But you love him.”

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