Page 35 of Deadly Devotion

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“What happened?” Seb asks sharply.

Callen taps his watch. “You’d all better shower pronto because Freddie has news.”

“Is he okay?” Seb asks.

Although he sent him away, he still cares about him.

Callen shrugs like Freddie’s wellbeing is the least important thing and says, “He found her.”

My throat constricts. “Found who?”

“Actually, she found him,” Callen corrects himself. “Daisy wants our help.”

After being so focused on physical feelings, reality returns and thuds around us like a brick wall falling onto the four-poster. Whatever she said to me at the mansion, Daisy is still my sister. If she needs help, I won’t let her down again.



Apatterned knock sequence on our door indicates Freddie’s arrival. I spy through the peephole to confirm it’s him. Damn, he looks like shit warmed up. He hasn’t shaved for a few days, and his suit is wrinkled.

“Nice new look,” I comment with a smirk. “What doorway have you slept in?”

Freddie purses his lips. “It’s good to see you too, Callen.” He looks around the empty living area. “Where are the others?”

“They’ll be ready soon, b—” I have to stop myself from saying ‘boss’. Despite going along with Freddie’s decision, I won’t call the posh boy ‘boss’ until he proves his worth. “The others are cleaning up a mess.”

“A mess?” Freddie asks sharply, concerned.

I grin smugly. “Let’s just say they had a private party.”

Although I was sad to miss out on an orgy, it was pretty hot to watch them fuck Ivy through the crack in the door. Her body is my addiction, and next time she needs to forget her problems, I’ll make sure I’m there to fuck them away. Unlike Bram and Seb, I wouldn’t hold back. I’ll fuck her so hard that she’ll be crying and begging for me to stop.

Before Freddie can respond, the others file out of Ivy’s bedroom. They’re all freshly showered and wearing clean cum-free clothes. If Freddie was in doubt about what I meant by a mess, he isn’t now. They nail the ‘just had a threesome’ look to a T.

“What happened?” Ivy asks, jumping in with a string of questions right away. The fuck session must have given her an extra burst of energy because she’s practically bouncing. “Where is she? How did she reach you?”

“Give the man space to breathe, princess,” I say. “Even though making men pant is more your style.”

Seb silences me with a glare, making me roll my eyes. Come on, since when did he become the fun police? That was comedy gold!

“Before we left Spencer’s, I gave Daisy my number,” Freddie says. “I never expected her to call, but she did.”

“What did she say?” Seb asks.

“She wants to meet us,” he explains. “She didn’t go into any more detail over the phone and said we had to talk in person.”

“Where are we meeting her?”

“She’s coming here.”

“Here?” My jaw drops. I know Freddie’s gone a little crazy, but shit! He was inviting a killer—a woman who has tried to kill me—into our safe place? Ivy’s sister or not, that’s crossing the line. “Are you fucking serious? You’ve signed our death warrant.”

Freddie brushes off my remarks. “It was the only way she’d trust me. She sounded… different. Did you want me to turn her away?”

“Yes,” I reply.

“No,” Ivy interjects. Of course, she’d say that. “I want to hear her out.”

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