Page 31 of Deadly Devotion

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“I’m sure we’d all love to see that,” Seb says softly. He bites his lip, now looking as concerned as Bram. “But we could talk about what happened yesterday instead?”

“Talk?” I cackle. “No, I’ve done enough talking and thinking.”

Hell, my thoughts have consumed me, and I need to silence them. I have to forget. I’ll do anything to block it out. With my default option of killing to forget being out of the question, fucking two men suddenly seems like the best course of action.

I saunter over to Bram, swinging my hips. His eyes widen in surprise, recognising my flirty walk. I trail a finger down the centre of his hulking chest, and he catches my wrist.

“What?” I ask, fluttering my eyelashes. “I’m done talking. I need something to take it all away. I need to forget the pain without gutting someone. This is how you can help.”

Bram hesitates and nervously glances at Seb, who shifts his weight from one foot to the other, unsure whether he should leave the room. He clears his throat to remind us he’s still here. I turn my attention towards him. He’s infuriating, but I’m glad he’s finally taking a stand against Freddie. With the alcohol softening my mood, I can’t deny he looks hot as fuck. Taking out my anger by riding his cock would be a healthy way to deal with my emotions, right?

“You said you want to help me,” I say, inching my body close to his. Our noses are inches apart, and he inhales sharply. “Or are you going to refuse like Bram?”

“We don’t want to take advantage of you,” Seb says gruffly. “You’ve had a few drinks. It’s been a rough few days. I don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret.”

I laugh.

“I’m a big girl, and I can make my own decisions. I’m not drunk and I know what I want. If you guys aren’t willing to help me out…” I head for the door. “Then I’ll find another guy willing to fuck my brains out.”

Bram’s expression darkens, stepping closer and casting me under his shadow. Hell fucking no. Seb’s jaw clenches in fury at my suggestion. I might have lost some power recently, but the two of them are my puppets now.

“What’s wrong?” I tease. My top buttons up at the front, and I undo the top one to give them a glimpse of my cleavage. They try to resist, but their eyes are drawn to my tits like moths to the light. “Jealous?”

“You’re not going anywhere,” Seb says, his voice thick with lust and desire.

I guess that answers my question. Even the Dukes have a weakness. Sex is a currency I’m happy to trade in.

“I thought you weren’t going to be like Freddie,” I goad him. “The Dukes have held me prisoner before, and look at how that turned out.”

“I’ll never hold you against your will,” Seb replies. “But it’s dangerous out there, and the Killers Club are looking for us. We want to keep you safe.”

“I can keep myself safe,” I remind him. “You know what I need, Seb. If you don’t want to give it to me, someone else will. Don’t you want me?”

Seb loosens his tie, awkwardly glancing at Bram. “Of course we do. But I want to be sure that this is what you really want.”

“Sex is just sex.” I roll my eyes. “If you can’t separate that from your emotions, that’s your problem. I need to forget.”

“Then we’ll give you what you need,” Seb says. “We’ll do anything.”

I hadn’t expected him to break so easily. I gasp as his body slides up against mine from behind. He grasps my hips and pulls me away from the door.

“Are you sure about this?” Seb whispers.

His breath tickles the nape of my neck as he sweeps my hair out of the way to plant a dainty kiss. Bram approaches from the front. His giant frame body closes in on me, and he gently runs his huge hands down the sides of my body, caressing my curves. He keeps moving downward until he reaches the hem of my t-shirt. His thumb sneaks underneath, softly circling my hip bone.

“Is this what you need?” Seb murmurs.

“Yes,” I groan.

With my approval, Seb’s hands run up the backs of my thighs and tickle my sensitive skin from underneath my short skirt.

“All we want to do is take care of you,” Seb says.

I’ve never been with them at the same time before. Bram doesn’t strike me as a man who likes to share, yet he doesn’t seem to mind as he leans to kiss me. His hands creep over my stomach, snaking upwards to my bra.

I moan into his mouth while Seb’s hands slip between my legs to stroke my inner thighs. I quiver under his touch, almost falling over, but neither of them let me. I’m caught in the middle of a sexy man sandwich and going nowhere.

I glance down to see Bram’s hard cock defined through his jeans, and Seb’s erection digs into my arse.

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