Page 25 of Deadly Devotion

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The vast suite spans across the entire top floor of the hotel. It has five bedrooms, more bathrooms than I can count, and a giant entertaining space with a bar, cinema screen, and all the luxuries money can buy.

During my rebellious teenage years, I used to hold secret parties here—cramming as many people into the space as possible. Years later, there’s an irony to it being the only place I can count on being undisturbed. We’re as protected as we can be, considering the Killers Club will soon know we’ve returned to London. We can’t hide forever, but the club try to steer clear of royalty, so Seb’s status is the last card in our deck we have to play.

Breathing feels heavier and takes more effort, like an anchor is planted on my chest, weighing me down. Ivy’s hateful tirade stung, but only because what she said was true. I have taken the simple route in life. I can make business decisions, but for other things, I find it easier to delegate elsewhere. And look where that’s got me. Freddie’s choice to strike a deal cost us—and me—everything. The only woman I’ve ever loved.

“Not good,” I reply.

Callen sprawls across the huge, green sofa, with one hand buried in a massive bag of crisps, while the other taps the television control incessantly to flick through the channels. His cavalier attitude is infuriating, and his loud chomping rings through my ears. This isn’t a holiday! Doesn’t he care that Ivy is hurting? The person she loves most in the world has rejected her, and now, speaking from personal experience, it fucking sucks.

“You could at least pretend to care,” I bark at Callen, the nearest target to unleash my anger upon.

Callen pauses. “About what?”

If his head wasn’t so big, I’d suffocate him in the cheese and onion packet.

“You’re unbelievable,” I sneer. “Don’t you understand what Ivy’s going through? We need to earn her trust. We have to help her.”

“I don’t see why I need to do anything,” he replies.

I storm over with my fists clenched, ready to throw a punch at him. “If you don’t care, then why are you still here?”

“Seb,” Freddie warns. “Calm down.”

“And you!” I turn on him, jabbing my finger into his chest. “It’s your fucking rules that got us into this mess. You shouldn’t have met with Stephanie!”

At least Freddie has the decency to hang his head.

“Don’t you think I know that?” he murmurs.

“That’s not good enough,” I spit, shaking in fury and letting it consume me.

“Sebastian…” Freddie says, wearing the sombre expression that he reserves for delivering bad news.

Callen tenses, sitting straighter and ready to spring into action.

Freddie’s piercing stare makes me shrink. I see his pain, but it doesn’t dull mine. Ivy isn’t the only person who has lost faith in the people she thought she could rely upon. I’ve implicitly trusted Freddie’s judgements for so long, but the time has come to think for myself. All my repressed emotions are bursting to free themselves.

“What?” I snarl.

“I will do whatever it takes to make this right,” Freddie says. “No matter how long it takes. Not just with Ivy, but with you. With all of you. You deserve better.”

“We do,” I agree.

“That’s why, as of now, I’m making you the new leader of the Dukes,” Freddie says. “I’m standing down.”

“Wait, what?” Callen drops his crisps. “You’re picking him over me?”

I don’t know what to say. I’m stunned to the spot and completely speechless. He wants to make me their leader? But the Dukes are Freddie’s entire life. His purpose.

“You’re the leader we should have, Seb,” Freddie continues, ignoring Callen’s objections. “You may not believe it yet, but you have the moral compass we need to guide us. I tried, but it wasn’t enough. I’m not fit to lead you.”

“I…” My earlier anger has been replaced with dumb-founded confusion.

“I have one request, though,” Freddie says before I can respond. “I want to remain in the Dukes. I’ll do anything you say. I’ll follow your orders, just as you did mine. But I want a chance to fix the mistakes I made.”

A heavy silence stretches on until I clear my throat.

“Fine,” I say reluctantly, unable to comprehend the gravity of what I’m agreeing to. This isn’t a responsibility I wanted, but what other choice do I have? Let Callen lead? “But Ivy needs space, and it’ll be best if you stay somewhere else for now. There’s another suite downstairs.”

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