Page 15 of Taming Riot

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Her back arches with a scream, and a fierce shudder racks her entire body as she climaxes, her sex cinching hard around my cock. I pound furiously into her even as she sobs through her orgasm, tearing at my shoulders and back as she shakes around me, but I am not far behind. My balls erupt, and I come with a roar, my muscles straining as I spill an endless stream of come into her womb, rutting her hard through the orgasm until we’re both gasping for air.

Her leg drops from my hip, and her head falls against my chest; I’m certain she can hear the harsh beating of my heart.

We stand in silence for a long time, fighting to catch our breath before she finally breaks it. “Are you okay?” she whispers.

“I’m the one supposed to ask you that. I showed up without warning and was a little rough—”

“No,” she says, pushing back so she’s looking at my face. “I don’t mean the sex.” Her cheeks flush at the mention of the word, which strikes me as funny considering what just happened between us.

“What did you mean then?”

“It felt like you were frustrated about something.” Her eyes darken with something akin to worry. “Are you in trouble?”

“No,” I say with a laugh, dropping my forehead against hers. “I’m not in trouble, sweetheart, and besides, I never run from trouble.”

It’s the truth. Trouble seems to follow wherever I go, but I’ve never shied away from it.

Despite Cash’s warning, I have no intention of running away from Sasha. I have never experienced this deep longing for anyone else, and I am unwilling to lose this feeling.

Not for Cash. Not for the Steel Order MC. Not for anyone.

Sasha is mine!

Chapter Six


“Hey, Sasha, we’re grabbing lunch at the Asian restaurant down the block. I heard they have the best stir fry noodles around. Join us?”

I look up from my computer to see Nick and three other interns standing by the door, motioning for me to join them. This is the first time they’ve invited me to lunch, and I smile, nodding at them as I close the file I was reading.

“Sure, I would love to,” I say, following them out. We engage in casual chatter as we take the elevator down to the ground floor and make our way out of the building.

We find the restaurant easy enough and are shown to our table. We all place our orders and sit back to wait for our food.

“Just so you know, I’m voting for your brother as a favor to you,” one of the interns, Carla, suddenly says.

I blush at the bold proclamation and shake my head. “Y-you don’t have to,” I tell her. “Just vote for who you want to see in office.”

“Well, he’s your brother. You know him best. I think he would make an excellent governor, don’t you?”

I bite back the urge to tell her that I don’t know my brother that well. He is fifteen years older than me and was already well into his political career by the time I was old enough to know any different. Nearly the same can be said for my other three brothers. One would think that I would be close to at least one of my siblings, but they’re all so much older than me. My mother’s last pregnancy had been a surprise, as was my being a girl. I know my brothers care about me in an abstract way, and they doted on me whenever they were around, but I rarely saw them growing up. Every one of my brothers is a career-driven man and equally devoted to our family’s legacy in politics.

No, I don’t know my brothers well at all. Not on a personal level and not on a political level.


I look up to find four sets of eyes watching me curiously, so I plaster on a smile. “Uh, yeah. He’s amazing. I think he would make a great governor too.”

“That’s good to hear.”

The conversation shifts to something else, and I imagine that the talk about my family is over when one of them suddenly brings it up again. We’re discussing a high-profile criminal case our office is handling when one of the other girls suddenly mentions that the case would be easier to close if they could access some files the attorney general’s office is withholding.

“Our lead prosecutor went there to talk to someone, but they said that the information is classified, and that revealing those files would compromise an ongoing federal investigation. Can you believe that?”

Someone else chimes in, “I heard that too. We could close this case fast and get those monsters off the streets if the AG would just cooperate. What do you think, Sasha?”

I think I foolishly let myself believe that I could form genuine connections at work with no strings attached.

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