Page 37 of Rugged Fox

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"It's a good thing those muscles aren't just for good looks," I teased.

I stood just far enough off the road that I wouldn't get hit, but close enough that I could watch Easton. The tire that went flat was on the passenger's side in the front. Easton had been able to get the vehicle off the road with ease despite the blowout. And now he was further showing off his impressive skills by changing the tire in the dirt and not caring what it did to his clothes.

Easton turned his head and gave me one of his classic half-smiles, which I was starting to get addicted to. "Glad to know you like what you see."

He had grabbed a hat when we were forced to stop and was now wearing it backward as he tightened the lug nuts on the spare tire. Somehow the hat didn't deter from the green Henley that Easton showed up in. I don't know if it was the fact that with the buttons undone, I was able to see more of his chest and the tattoos that were hidden below, or if it was just that this man cleaned up well, but my panties were damp immediately.

Yes, I had slipped back into my room to change them before we left, and no, it didn't do a lick of good. One kiss in his truck and they were soaked all over again. At the rate I was going, I should've put a few extra pairs in my purse.

Right, because that wouldn't be weird or anything.

"Done," Easton declared and I realized I had missed him lowering the vehicle down off the jack while I had been lost in thought.

"Quite the handyman to have around."

My words were laced with innuendo, and this was the first time I was allowing myself to stop overthinking and just be. I liked being in Easton's presence. I liked how he made me feel and how I felt about myself when he was around. I’d never needed a man before and it was nice to know he could be in the picture without taking any of that independence away.

We might've started out on shaky ground, but the more time we spent together, the more comfortable I became.

Easton pushed off the asphalt and wiped his hands on his jeans before stepping closer. Once he was close enough, he snagged me around the waist and pulled me flush against his body.

"Before the end of the night, I plan to show you just how handy I can be."

And there went my panties again. I mentally threw my hands up in defeat. I was destined to be wet all night at this rate.

"We could skip whatever you have planned, and head straight for the good parts."

Easton tsked at me. "I meant what I said last night. You deserve an evening out and I fully plan on giving it to you. Besides, haven't you heard that longing makes the heart grow fonder? By the end of the night, you’ll be begging me to take you back to my place."

I was already on my way to begging and the night had barely started. Any longer and I was going to be a whimpering mess.

"And what exactly do you have planned for us this evening?"

Easton plopped a kiss on my nose and then released me. He didn't say anything while he collected the jack and tire iron. Putting everything back away, he opened the door and helped me inside.

"It's a surprise, but I think you'll like it."

Little did he know I would like anything he did for me. College was the last time I had gone on a date, and I don't think dinner in the common area counts. That wasn't to say I didn't try. A few times Lyla had attempted to set me up with artists passing through. Most of those were drinks in a bar that ended with a quickie. I didn't consider those dates. More like scratching an itch when my vibrator just wasn't cutting it anymore. Never had I planned ahead to sleep at a man's house.

We drove for about fifteen minutes. The conversation ranged from music that we both liked to how we spent our downtime. I quickly learned that Easton didn't like to talk about his family, especially his parents. He would promptly change the subject and that was okay. I didn't exactly like to talk about mine either. They were good parents, but taken from me far too young, and even after all these years, it still hurt.

We finally stopped at a pretty little area with lush green grass that I wanted to sink my feet into. Flowers bloomed sporadically as if bees dropped pollen haphazardly. And off to one side was the perfect space to read a book snuggled under a large tree. The picture-perfect spot was complete with natural springs and a small lake. Easton parked off to the side and hopped out, and I watched with interest as he went to the back of the SUV and came back with an armful of items. It wasn't until he stepped in front of the vehicle that I could see what he had. A picnic basket was in one hand, and a large blanket was tucked under the other arm. Easton set the basket down and then spread the blanket out in front of the truck.

I couldn't keep the smile off my face. This was by far the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me and exactly what I needed; a night away from prying eyes and just the two of us getting to know each other.

I climbed out of the vehicle before Easton could finish setting up. He gave me a little scowl but pulled me into his side once I was close enough. "I would've come open the door for you."

I smiled up at him. "I know you would've, but I was too excited. This is perfect."

"A restaurant probably would've been better, but I didn't want to share you with anyone else. This would give us the chance to just relax and be ourselves."

He didn't need to convince me. I was completely on board with an evening away from people. My entire life had been spent in a fishbowl, one that only got worse after Lucien was born. I welcomed an evening where no one was watching.

We settled onto the blanket, and I watched with interest as Easton began to pull things out of the large picnic basket—bottles of water, a bottle of white wine, different containers of what I assumed were food, plates, silverware, napkins, and even a black box with the Wickedly Delicious logo on it. I was impressed.

"You've thought of everything, haven't you?"

"I might have had some help." Easton looked sheepish by his admission.

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