Page 61 of Challenging Luke

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Monica didn't know what to say. Everything was falling into place. All her dreams were coming true.


They were celebrating that night.

When Monica first walked out of Carmichael's office, Luke had been worried; she was as white as a ghost. It wasn't until she assured him that nothing bad happened that he calmed down enough not to storm the office and give her partner a piece of his mind.

It turned out she was white from shock. Carmichael was retiring, just like he promised. Monica would run the company, and she felt confident that she could do that and have a future with him.

So yes, a celebration was in order.

"Here's to good news and an amazing future together!" He clinked his plastic cup against Monica's.

Their celebration consisted of sitting on the floor in his living room, both of them in a pair of his sweatpants, him in a T-shirt while Monica wore one of his sweatshirts. They were drinking a twenty-dollar bottle of champagne out of clear plastic cups and had ordered takeout on the way home.

It was perfect and the way he wanted to celebrate every occasion with her.

"It will be interesting, that's for sure." Monica snickered. "You've seen my crazy friends. I'm exactly the same way."

He imagined she was, but he wouldn't change her. He loved every quirky bit.

"That's okay. And I believe you mentioned a triple date at some point, so I have that to look forward to."

He laughed when Monica groaned. "Trista already texted me. We have a date with them in two days. I hope you're ready."

He would be ready simply because it was for her.

"There's one other thing I would like to celebrate tonight."

"Ohh?" Monica looked at him with a confused expression.

"I would like you to move in with me. And I don't just mean while your townhouse is being renovated. I mean permanently."

Monica set her glass down and turned toward him so their knees were touching.

"Is this because of the kidnapping?"

He knew what she was asking. Monica wanted to be sure he wasn't asking for the wrong reasons, so he figured it was best that he was honest with her.

"Partly. I know I'm going to struggle with you going back to work. It's going to take some time before I'm not texting you a million times a day to make sure you're safe but that's not the only reason. I like waking up with you. I like getting ready for bed together. I like knowing that when one of us comes home late from work, the other is there waiting. I want to spend every night eating dinner with you. I love you and I don't want to miss out on time together by living separately."

When Monica crawled into his lap and put her arms around his shoulders, he knew he had done the right thing by being honest.

"Yes, I'll move in with you."

"Really?" He leaned his forehead against hers.

"Really. I want all those things with you as well. There's no point having two places when we will just be spending all our free time together anyway, but I have to ask, are you set on living in this apartment?"

Luke dropped his head back against the couch cushion and laughed. "Hell, no," he finally answered when he caught his breath. "We can live anywhere you want."

"Good. Because I'm thinking it's time to find a house and set down some roots."

Luke scooped her up. "I couldn't agree more. Now let's celebrate all this good news in a proper fashion."

He raced across the apartment with a laughing Monica in his arms and then spent the rest of the night celebrating in bed. The food and champagne were completely forgotten.


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