Page 51 of Challenging Luke

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At least she wasn't writing the request off. Luke hadn't been sure what her initial reaction would be, now that it was no longer a hypothetical question.

"No, I'm told they are microscopic and won't damage anything. From what Tex tells me, dozens of women have them because of their significant others' line of work."

"Who's Tex?"

Caden smiled. "A computer genius who makes me look like an amateur. He works with some of the best teams in the world. His resources are endless and the kind of guy you want in your corner if the shit hits the fan."

Luke hoped things never got that bad, but he would rather be safe than kicking himself in the ass later for not taking every precaution imaginable.

"Are you going to let us put the trackers on your earrings?"

Monica looked to be thinking it through. It was a good sign that she had asked questions rather than shutting the idea down. If push came to shove, he would promise sexual favors to get what he wanted. It was a shitty thing to do, but desperate times and all.

"Yes, but only because I feel like Fletcher isn't going to stop until he's ruined my life. If he comes after me, I would want you all to find me."

He would always go after her no matter what. This just made his life a little easier.

"Thank you." He leaned into her space and kissed her neck. "You don't know how much this means to me. I’ll feel better knowing you're safe."

Monica dazzled him with her smile. "And that's reason number two I'm doing it. I don't want you to worry every day."

Damn, she was amazing. He was going to do everything in his power to keep her safe.


"Monica?" Amelia stood at her office door with her tablet cradled in her arm. "Mr. Ferguson just called and said he will be unable to make his meeting with you. He's stuck in traffic and it doesn't look like he’ll be clear from it anytime soon. He asked that I pass along his sincerest apologies."

Monica sat back in her chair and let out a sigh of relief. Canceled clients would normally put her on edge but not today. Mr. Ferguson was her fourth meeting that morning and his canceling was a welcome reprieve.

"Thanks. Can you hold my calls for the next hour? I want to make some kind of dent in these emails before I leave tonight."

"Absolutely." Amelia typed something out on her tablet. "I'll hold them and then take my lunch. You don't have another client until two. Would you like me to order you something or do you want to leave the building for lunch?"

Leaving the building for a few minutes sounded like heaven, but it was a cloudy day, and the more she got done now, the less she would have to save for the next day. It was an easy decision.

"Can you order me something? I'll eat at my desk while I finish up the month-end reports. But you should go out. You deserve an hour away from this place."

Amelia had been putting in just as many long hours as she had. Her secretary deserved a break or, hell, even a raise.

"I'm going to take you up on that offer. I want to go try that little café's lunch menu. I'll bring you back lunch from there. I'll even grab something for Ryker and Dom."

And that was the second reason Amelia deserved a raise. She was always ten steps ahead and thinking about others.

"That would be amazing. They deserve to eat well after babysitting me all day for days on end."

Maybe now that she was wearing the trackers she could convince Luke to give his friends a break. She was sure they had better things to do than sit at her building all day. At least Ryker was allowed in the lobby. He could interact with people who walked in, but poor Dom was stuck in a car. It had to be boring out there all day. She didn't care how much Luke insisted Dom liked the peace and quiet. All day in a car couldn't be fun.

"I'll take care of it."

The next hour flew by. Monica hadn't even realized what time it was until Amelia popped her head in to advise she was headed to lunch, and she’d barely managed to make a dent in her inbox. Being CEO meant getting blind copied on nearly every email that went through the office.

Silverstein would just ignore those not directly sent to him, but she much preferred Carmichael's take on things. One never knew when something could be important. Ignoring an email could be the difference between preventing a disaster or reacting to a mess. She much preferred prevention. And her employees liked her diligence. Even if it meant dozens of extra emails.

Her stomach was starting to make its protests known when the blare of the fire alarms rang through her office. Monica quickly checked to see if there was a notification for a false alarm; security would alert if the system was under test. When she didn't find an alert, she stepped out of her office to ensure those on her floor were exiting as advised.

She was proud to see her employees following the alarm instructions and taking things seriously. With Mr. Carmichael out of the office for the day, it was her responsibility to check that the floor was clear before leaving herself.

Monica walked into each office and around each cubicle. Once she was satisfied that there was no one left on the floor, she moved to the staircase. She was pushing the door open to join the rest of the employees down in the lobby when a strong arm wrapped around her middle and dragged her backward.

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