Page 46 of Challenging Luke

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Ten minutes later he was pulling up in front of his apartment. Ryker had dropped Monica off earlier, and if his friend was correct, she had been surprised that he had given her a set of keys to his place. She was probably trying to justify that he only did it because it was easier.

That was just the excuse he would use if needed, but the truth was he wanted her to have access to his place for the foreseeable future. It went against his original plan to take things slow, but he didn't care.

Slow was overrated. He wanted Monica in his life. In his bed at night. Her stuff in his bathroom or vice versa. Full stop. He just wanted Monica.

So when he let himself in, and found her curled up on his side of the bed, something in him shifted. After a long two days, she passed out knowing that she was safe because he made damn sure of it.

Luke moved over to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. It was late enough that he didn't mind crawling into bed and catching up on the sleep that the two of them missed.

Stripping out of his clothes, he crawled into the bed in just his boxers. He didn't care that this wasn't his usual side of the bed. As long as he had Monica in his arms, he would gladly sleep anywhere.

"What time is it?" Monica asked in a husky voice when he rolled her over so that he could cuddle her backside.

"It's late. Go back to sleep."

She wiggled her ass until she was close enough that not a single piece of paper could be slid between them.

"Soon," she mumbled. "Who decorated your apartment? I expected a bachelor pad, but this place is nice."

Last night, when they had gotten to his apartment after being forced from her townhouse, he could tell she had been too distracted to care about her surroundings. Her current question proved that she hadn't taken the time to look around until today.

"It came completely furnished. The realtor advertised it as the perfect apartment for a single male. They weren't wrong. I was able to move in one day and haven't changed a single thing."

"That explains the nice decor." This time her words were laced with sleep. The next moment he listened to her even breaths and knew she had fallen back into slumber.

Luke thought about what she said about his decor. He hadn't paid much mind to what his place looked like, but he would change everything tomorrow if that's what Monica wanted. It was important to him that she felt comfortable in his space.

That was his final thought before he let sleep take him under.

He woke up to Monica rubbing her ass against his erection. Sometime during the night, his hand had wormed its way up her shirt and was covering her one breast.

"If you don't want another late morning, you should probably stop teasing me like that."

Her hips stopped and he instantly regretted his warning.

"What time is it?"

He glanced at his phone.

"Six thirty."

"Shit, shit, shit." Monica scrambled out of bed. "I hadn't meant to sleep this late."

She might not have meant to, but it was obvious her body needed it.

"What time do you need to be at the office?"

He didn't have the slightest idea what her normal workday looked like. Since coming back from Rome, it was one hit after the other.

"I wanted to be there by seven. Can I grab a quick shower?"

"You don't have to ask."

He watched as she darted into the bathroom. Knowing she would want to leave as soon as she was ready, Luke grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt. He got dressed as he moved into the kitchen to start the coffee.

Sure enough, barely fifteen minutes later, Monica was racing into the kitchen fully put together. Today's outfit was a form-fitting dress with some kind of jacket over top. Her dark hair was pulled back at the nape of her neck and her makeup was a little lighter than normal.

She was absolutely stunning, and he started to wonder just how far he could push her.

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