Page 30 of Challenging Luke

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So much for getting the sleep she needed.

Luke pulled out his phone and stepped a few feet away. She didn't even bother to try to discern who he was speaking to. She should care more, but all she could focus on was the anger she was feeling. When he mentioned having his friends watch over her, she thought he was being dramatic and taking things overboard. Apparently, she was wrong.

She looked around the area. This was a good neighborhood. Not overly flashy and expensive, but far from the slums. Vandalism like this didn't happen, and least not normally. There was no mistaking this was a target attack, and she was the sole focus.

"Okay, Caden is on it," Luke said, joining her again. "He said to give him a five-minute head start and then we could call the police. Why don't you go inside and grab a coat?"

She was moving before she could even think better of it. She wasn't cold despite the chilly night air. Anger pumped through her veins and kept her plenty warm.

Once back inside her house, she grabbed her coat, phone, and keys. She needed to grab her insurance information from the glove compartment. Just the thought of what it was going to take to clean up this mess made her sigh.

She allowed herself an extra minute to regain her composure before she stepped back out on the sidewalk. It wouldn't do her any good to take her anger out on Luke. It wasn't his fault this was happening.

"Caden texted. He gave me the okay to call the police, so I just phoned them. They were sending someone out shortly."

"Why do you think he did this?"


She nodded her head. There wasn't anyone else she could think of, so she had to assume it was him.

"My guess is he's trying to intimidate you into working with him."

Monica crossed her arms and let out a very loud snort. "Well, he missed the mark completely. This doesn't intimidate me, it just pisses me off. The time I'm going to waste dealing with this will only further piss me off, not to mention the sleep I'm going to lose. God help whoever gets in my way tomorrow." She looked down at her phone and winced. "Correction, make that today."

"Here comes the cops now."

That made her smile. Not the police showing up, but the fact that he didn't comment on the way she was handling the matter. Smart man.

Monica let Luke handle the two police officers who showed up to take their statements. She answered questions when asked and provided her information, but otherwise, she hung back. It was nearly an hour before she was allowed to have her car towed and go back into her house.

"What are you doing?" she asked when Luke followed her inside and locked the door after closing it.

"Staying here to make sure whoever did that to your car doesn't show up again."

She folded her arms across her chest and stared him down. "You really think they’ll come back tonight?"

Her plan to crawl into bed and get a few precious hours of sleep was starting to sound like a pipe dream.

"I'm not sure what to think, but I'm not taking any chances."

"I know I didn't give you a grand tour earlier, but I only have the one bed. I use the second bedroom as an office."

She never had a need for more. The only people who visited were Trista and Ash. Trista had her own apartment that the two of them used not far from here, and if they got too drunk, the three of them slept in her giant bed, just like in college.

"That's okay. I don't plan on sleeping anyway, so the couch will be just fine."

She probably should've argued with him. She was being a shit hostess, but honestly, she didn't have the mental bandwidth to do so. She was pissy and not in the right headspace to be good company.

Instead, she shrugged her shoulder and went upstairs to her bedroom. After grabbing a spare pillow and some blankets, she trekked back down to her living room.

"In case you decide to sleep." She was conflicted. If it had been earlier in the night, she would've kissed him before going to her bedroom. Now the moment was ruined and all she wanted to do was crawl in her bed and pull the covers over her head.

"Good night." That was the best she could come up with.

"Night, Monica. Sweet dreams."

Yeah right. She just had to hope that she could sleep knowing Luke was one floor away.

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