Page 76 of Brooklyn & Eden

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I blink up at him. “Meaning?”

“Just that. Either way.”

“We can’t stay married, Brook.”

“You say that now, but it’s something to think about.”

I stare at him, shocked. Does he really mean this?

“Something to think about! Like we’re discussing the weather?”

He pinches the bridge of his nose. “I don’t mean it’s as simple as that. Let’s both get our bearings, that’s all I mean. We’ll get together when you’re free like we said, and we’ll discuss. Deal?”

My lips twitch a smile at how much sense my husband is making.

My husband. A part of me likes the sounds of it, my heart throbs, giving my stomach butterflies. He makes me feel both excited and scared at the same time.

I know there hasn’t been enough time to process all of this and what it all means, even with the whole Kirk situation. Though that’s dead in the water, and it’s been a hit to my confidence, it still plays on my mind. I also wonder if Brook meant what he said in the truck when he drove me home. I might have been acting a little silly, but I remember him telling me Kirk’s infidelity was nothing to do with me.

You’re perfect the way you are, you hear me?

I glance up at him when he clears his throat, waiting for an answer.

“Deal, Brookie.” I’m thankful I can listen to him, even with my mind somewhere else.

“That’s better.” He gives me a little nudge with his elbow. “Now, let’s go and casually mention it to our daughter in case, I don’t know, little Trinity breaks the news to her.”

I slap a hand over my mouth. “Stop it!”

“Well, everyone else knows what a fuck up I am.”

I grab his muscular forearm, my fingers wrapping around his warm skin, and he stops. “You’re not a fuck up, don’t ever say that.”

“I can’t even get divorced right!”

“Brook, I can’t lie that I was completely shocked when you told me. But like you said, we’ll work it out.” I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. But am I going to stay mad at him forever? It won’t do either of us any good to harbor any bad feelings over it for the rest of time. We’ve gotten over every other hurdle we’ve had to cross.

“All in good time.” That familiar smile returns to his face.

I love it when he smiles. It makes everything better.

And it’s not for the first time I’m realizing it. But it’s sure been a long time since I let it really resonate.

“And the kiss?” I sigh. “I’m sorry about that.”

He gives me a side eye. “Don’t ever be sorry. I kissed you back.”

“I suppose I should add that to the list too.”

“Just keep it coming, baby.”

I can’t help but laugh. This is so far out of our depths for both of us, but we just keep rolling along with the punches.

Like he said, we’ll work it all out.

It’s just a matter of time.


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