Page 61 of Brooklyn & Eden

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By the time he comes back with a tray, I’ve already brushed my teeth and I’m towel drying my hair.

“Back to bed, little lady.” He gestures with his eyes toward my comfy duvet.

“Wow, what have you been doing out there?”

“Nothing fancy. You need to do some grocery shopping,” he chuckles. “But I whipped you up some scrambled eggs and toast.”

“Wow, Brook, thank you. That’s so sweet.” I sit back on the bed against the propped up pillows as he lays the tray down on my lap. “The coffee is so good.”

“That’s because you have the best coffee machine money can buy.”

“You don’t have to be this nice. You can tell me I’m an idiot for last night.”

He shakes his head. “I’d never do that. You’re pretty cute when you’re drunk.”

“Tipsy,” I correct him. “I wasn’t falling over or anything.”

“That’s true, but you did try to grope me.”

He says it at the exact time I’m picking up a piece of toast and I take a bite, nearly choking on it at his words. “What?”

His shoulders shake as he walks back out of the room. “Don’t sweat it honey, it happens all the time.”

“Not with me it doesn’t,” I holler so he can hear me.

“Even angel’s falter sometimes, Edes. Don’t worry about it.”

Angels? What the hell has gotten into him?

“I’m far from that,” I say when he comes back in with his mug. I dive into the scramble and toast. It’s really good. “Are you eating too?”

“I ate some toast as I was making yours.”

“Brook, you don’t have to do this.”

“Do what?”

“Be so nice about last night.”

“You were pretty upset. I couldn’t just leave you.”

“Before or after I tried to grope you?”

He clears his throat. “After.”

“I’m sorry about that.”

“I didn’t mind.”

My eyebrows shoot up. “Really? That must’ve been so attractive.”

“Coming from you, it is. There’s no other tipsy wife I’d want to drive home or have in my lap.”

I press my palm to my forehead. “I’m a mother too, it’s disgraceful.”

His laugh grows as he perches on the end of the bed, reaching for his shirt. He slides it back on, but doesn’t do it up. “Even mothers are allowed to let their hair down, E. Live a little.”

“Not this mom. I totally dropped the ball, Brook. But I guess I must’ve needed to do it. How much did I blurt out last night about what happened in Georgia?”

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