Page 59 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“Good morning,” I offer cheerily, by way of distraction. “I think we have some talking to do.”



When my eyes flutter open, I see a few things simultaneously. One; last night’s shenanigans are bouncing around in front of my eyes, starting at the restaurant to the bar and beyond. Two; my husband is lying next to me and I’m staring at his naked chest. Three; it was no word of a lie when Blake proudly told me my name, as well as hers, was inscribed across his chest. I know because it’s staring right back at me.

I jerk back and he rouses, his eyes flickering. I keep very still for a moment, then Noodle wriggles between us and I glance up to meet his now open eyes.

“Brook!” It comes out in a gasp as I make the realization that he really is here, and I’m not seeing things that aren’t really there.

“E,” he says in that deep voice I know only too well. It's even thicker since he just woke up.

“What the hell are we doing in bed together…” Wait, it’s all coming back to me. I was tired as well as a little drunk… okay, a lot drunk. He carried me from the bar to his truck and drove me home. OHMYGOD, did I try to kiss him at one point?

“We’re not actually in bed together,” he points out, sitting up a little and resting one arm behind his head like he can afford to be oh-so-casual here. “I’m on the bed, you’re in the bed. Though, you did kick back the comforter during the night and wrap your arm and leg around me.”

“I’m so sorry. Oh, God.”

“Relax, it’s fine. I fell asleep here after I made you some tea and grabbed you some Tylenol. I was supposed to be on the couch…” He palms the back of his head sheepishly.

“Yet here you are,” I say in a shaky voice. I glance at the nightstand. His story checks out because sure enough, there’s a cold cup of tea, a glass of water and two tablets waiting for me.

That’s typical Brooklyn; always being thoughtful. I also realize I’m fully clothed. So at least I didn’t make a fool of myself, other than me latching onto him in his truck.

“You were a little on the tipsy side last night. I took you outside to get air and drive you home.” He leaves out the most important part. “You never could hold your liquor, baby girl.”

The way he says baby girl… It affects me in ways it shouldn’t; stirring my insides, as well as things on the outside. And if I wasn’t so embarrassed, I’d explore those thoughts a little more closely.

“You’re being kind. I downed a couple too many glasses of wine with dinner, then at Moose’s I just wanted to dance... Shit, do the girls know we left together?”

He chuckles. I’m glad he finds this whole thing so amusing. “Yes, I texted Georgia that I was taking you home. Though, I’m pretty sure me carrying you out of the bar was a sure indication of me lookin’ after you.”

I bury my face into my hands, not being able to hide my embarrassment. “I’ll never be able to show my face around town ever again.”

“Why not?” he laughs.

“Umm, because I got drunk and disorderly last night and made a fool of myself.”

“No, you didn’t.”

“What about in the car?”

He presses his beautiful lips together. My eyes flick down for a moment seeing how succulent they are, I have the urge to run my thumb over them. I quickly look back to him instead of doing anything foolish. “What about it?” His voice is husky, the motion of it prickles my skin. How come I’ve never noticed that before?

“Did I try to kiss you?” I breathe, dreading the answer. I reach for the water and tablets because the marching band in my head has already started.

“Something like that,” he says with a soft, easy smile.

“Something like that? Is that all you have to say?”

“What else is there to say?” He shifts toward the edge of the bed as Noodle emerges and shakes herself off, happy that we’re awake it seems. She rewards me with a big lick on the face as I watch the muscles in his back ripple.

“And now you’re going, just like that?”

He runs a hand through his messy hair. I can’t stop gaping at his broad, muscular body. That feeling stirs between my legs watching him. He still turns me on.

“No, I’m going to the bathroom and then to make us some coffee.”

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