Page 56 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“Tonight’s not the night, baby girl. You’re drunk. I don’t play that way.”

She lifts her head and looks up at me. “Not tonight? Then when?”

I kiss her forehead. “I better get you home, let you sleep it off.”

“No!” She grabs hold of my shirt and pushes her body into mine, almost climbing up into my lap.


“Are you hard for me, Brookie?” Her hand slides up my thigh and I stop her just before she brushes her hand over my cock. Then she slides further into me and just as I turn my head to face her, I feel her lips crush against mine.

Her mouth is warm. Sweet like honey and oh, so tempting.

She moves her lips against mine, but I freeze and she notices. She pulls back as fast as she kissed me and slaps her hand over her mouth like she’s just realizing what she’s doing. “I think I’m more drunk than I first thought,” she whispers. “Oops.”

“I think so, beautiful. Let me drive you home.” I try to ignore what she just did, but I can still taste her and feel her warmth on my lips.

“Noodle is waiting,” she says, closing her eyes, sinking back into her seat.

“Yes, he is.”

She rests back. Her giggles and jokes are silent as I drive her home.

She’s quiet all the way there, and I figure she must’ve fallen asleep. There’s just the hum of the engine and the quiet roads we pass through. When I park, she doesn’t even stir. It’s only when I’m opening her passenger door to help her out and I can hear Noodle barking that she stirs, incoherently.

“We’re home?” she whispers.

My heart literally spasms at her words. Home.

If only.

“Yeah, babe.” I reach in and slowly pull her into my arms, looping one arm under her legs again.

“I’m fine.”

“Let me put you to bed,” I whisper.

She breathes into my neck, the warmth of it stirs all the way up my spine as I walk toward her front door. She rustles around in her pocket for the key, handing them to me. Finally, when I get the door open, while still holding her, we’re greeted with a very excitable Noodle.

“Hey, little one,” I whisper, looking down at her. “I’ll pet you in a second. Momma’s home.” I walk through the house with the heavy thrum of my cowboy boots — as Noodle follows us toward the bedroom — and I push the door open with my foot.

It’s all cozy florals in here and everything I would expect from her. She’s always had a sweet, romantic kind of taste in decor. The bed is made with a soft looking comforter. Nothing’s changed there. I place her down on top of it as Noodle jumps up.

I give her a scruff as she licks my hand and then noses her momma.

“Hey, baby,” she whispers.

“I’ll grab some Tylenol and some water for the morning,” I say. “I’ll leave them on the bedside table for you.”

“Stay, Brookie. Please.”

I sigh. Palming the back of my neck, having an internal dilemma with myself over the best course of action. I also don’t want her to be alone.

“Not the best idea you’ve had, E.”

“I meant to sleep!” She laughs quietly as I watch her in the moonlight. She looks up at me in the dark, her curls bobbing, as Noodle snuggles in.

“What happened with Kirk?” I ask again in a whisper. I hope she answers me this time.

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