Page 44 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“He’s got a thing for you. You’re blind if you don’t see it. Maybe a bigger thing than he’s got going for himself!”

Oh my God, is he flipping this around now on Brooklyn? “Don’t talk about Brook like that!” I seethe. “He’s not like that at all.”

“He couldn’t wait for me to leave the party. And he tried to break my fucking hand when we met!”

“Maybe he saw through your bravado to what an asshole you really are!”

“You don’t even see it, do you?”

“Stop turning this around on me! Brook has nothing to do with this. He’s protective, and that’s because we’re still friends. Obviously a relationship someone like you doesn’t understand, you asshole.” I poke him in the chest and he steps back. I turn abruptly and wheel my case back down the hall to the front door. My hands are still shaking and my heart is still racing. I need to get out of here.

“We never would have stood a chance with him around!”

“You’re disgusting,” I fire back at him. “I told you from the beginning I had a child and my ex-husband was very much involved. You said you were okay with it, and Brook isn’t going anywhere, so stop using excuses to try and cover up your infidelity.”

He stands with his hands on his hips. “Don’t go…”

I shake my head. Does he actually expect me to stay? “You’re an asshole. Is she the only one?” God, do I even want the answer to that?

“I’ve said I’m fucking sorry, Eden. I really wanted to make this work. But like I said?—”

I put my hand up in front of him to shut him the hell up; he’s completely avoiding answering the question anyway. I turn and pull the front door back, one of the wheels getting caught on the doorstep. He leans forward to try and help but I yank it away. “Leave me alone!” I spit. “Don’t ever contact me again. I swear to God if you do, I’ll punch your fucking face in and you’re the one who will need plastic surgery!” I march back to my car as fast as possible in case he tries to run after me again.

Why is he even bothering? He has a beautiful woman in his bed — he’ll probably walk right back in there and pick up where he left off.

How many times has he done this since I’ve known him? Was he doing it the whole time?

Thank God I was cautious and didn’t jump in the sack with him straight away.

I quickly throw my things in the back of my car and start up the engine, while he stands in the doorway watching me.

I flip my shades down and reverse out of the driveway as fast as I can without driving like a crazy lunatic and take off up the street.

It’s only when I’ve turned the corner and I’m out of view do I pull the car over to the side of the street and put it in park. I put my hands up to my face and burst into tears.

It comes out in a huge sob. I’m hurt and bewildered.

I don’t know how he could do this to me when we both agreed to take it slow! He said he was tired of meaningless hookups and wanted to settle down with someone. I was going to meet his folks soon. We were planning a little getaway to Mexico in a few months. All because I didn’t sleep with him straight away? What an asshole.

And the nerve of him trying to bring Brooklyn into it, like it’s Brook’s fault he stuck his dick into another woman behind my back.

I can’t believe the audacity of the man. No matter what Brook was being like at the party. Yes, he can be a tad over-protective, but maybe he did truly see that Kirk was a sneak and a liar.

He certainly didn’t think much of him, and I feel stupid now for defending Kirk and making out he was as good as gold.

I feel sick to my stomach. But I need to go home.

It’s a long drive back but I want to leave this experience as far away from me as possible.

After I’m spent with my tears, I blow my nose and wipe my eyes with a tissue. I take a deep breath and right myself, grabbing the steering wheel like I’m holding on for dear life, and maybe I am.

This asshole isn’t going to get the better of me.

I flick my indicator on and pull back out onto the road and head for home.

Stoney Creek is the only place I need to be.

My cottage on the edge of town is quaint and cozy. I bought it after I split with Brooklyn. He helped me purchase it — even going through the divorce — because I had nowhere to live once I moved out of the farmhouse we’d built. I obviously wasn’t going to ask Brooklyn to leave his family farm so I could live there, that wouldn’t make any sense. So the natural thing was for me to look for a place while we sorted things out. It was strange at first being somewhere new, but I quickly grew to love it.

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