Page 28 of Brooklyn & Eden

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I shove a piece of cake in my mouth, watching her stand with her hands on her hips, waiting for an answer. “That cake is freaking fantastic, Edes!”

“Don’t change the subject, Brook.” Her eyebrows are pinched together in that angry bird way that happens from time to time.

“Nothing has gotten into me. I just don’t like the guy. Period,” I say.

“You don’t even know him.”

“Neither do you. You looked like you were having an argument earlier. Did he upset you?”

“Yes, I do know him! I’ve been seeing him for a few months now. And none of it is anything for you to worry about. And no, he didn’t upset me.”

“It is my business because I care about you. And he’s around our daughter.”

She sighs impatiently. “You don’t trust my judgment, is that what you’re saying?”

“No, it’s him I don’t trust, not you.”

“I don’t know why you’re being like this. This isn’t you.”

I fold my arms across my chest as I watch the kids sitting quietly for five seconds while they eat the cake from both Verne’s master production, and my mother’s.

“Is it because things are getting serious with Kirk?” she asks.

I tilt my head for a moment and press my thumb and forefinger to the bridge of my nose. She’s right about one thing; this isn’t the usual me. The usual me is happy-go-lucky. I have a smile and a joke for everyone… everyone except the person who’s trying to woo my wife.

“Look, there’s something I need to tell you, okay?” I sigh. “And it’s nothing to do with Kirk.” I try not to snark his name for her sake.

“Sure, shoot.” She searches my face for some insight to what my cryptic behavior might be all about.

“Not here.”

“What do you mean not here? That sounds serious, Brook. For heaven's sake, just spit it out.”

“It’s nothing bad, well, I don’t think it is. Just trust me, we need to talk in private.”

“After the party then?”

“Are you and Kirk going somewhere?”

“Yes, he’s staying for the weekend.”

Hmm. My frown deepens. Damn. I thought he was just here for the party and then leaving.

The thought of him high-tailing it back to Atlanta is the best one I’ve had all day, other than my little girl loving her birthday presents, of course. I went all out with the retro bike I found over in the next country and the Harry Potter books.

We went halves in the new saddle, so I can’t take all the credit for that. And Eden did give me the main ideas on some of what Blake wanted. We also made a contribution to Stoney Creek Paws rescue shelter as per her wishes instead of buying her a million presents and set up the wishing well for her.

“Fine. But we’ll have to make time to catch up over the weekend.”

“Brook, you’re not in some kind of trouble, are you?” Her eyes and frown convey her worry.

I press my lips together trying not to burst out laughing — not that I’m finding any of this funny. It’s just funny she’s come up with that, like I’ve had a run-in with the law or something. “Trouble?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know what to think.”

“I’m not in any kind of trouble, okay? Rest assured everything is fine, hold off on calling the sheriff.”

She gives me a skeptical look, placing a hand on the curve of her hip. “Can you try and make an effort to be cordial to Kirk, please?”

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