Page 22 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“All in all, not bad,” he says, finally putting me out of my misery.

“Really?” I wait for the punchline.

“How the hell did you come up with this idea?” he asks.

“I just started thinking about flavors and how we could do something different and I ran with it. The market is strong for new and innovative products, and this fits the bill. Plus, you know how I like to experiment.”

“Like Dad said, I knew you were cooking something up, but I had no idea that this is what you were thinking.” He rubs his chin, clearly contemplating. I wait for him to tell me it’s absurd and he hates it. But it never comes. “I like the idea. It’ll need a little fine tuning and we need to see projections and the marketing plan, but I think Bassett Brothers is ready to move into a new era. Like you’ve been saying; a younger market, without it being too cliche.”

Pride and happiness fills my chest at my brother’s words. He’s always been a tough nut to crack, but it makes me feel like I’ve achieved something to get Gabe’s approval.

“So you’re sayin’ you like the idea?”

“Is that so hard to believe? I always knew you had it in you to think of something new and innovative. If we market it right and pitch to the audience we want, then I think this could be really good for the brand.”

I frown. “But you and Dad hate change.”

“I’m used to the old ways of doing things,” Dad pipes up. “But that doesn’t mean I have a giant stick up my ass and can’t see the forest for the trees, son. I know that to keep moving forward in this ever changing world, we have to adapt. Your mom has made me realize that. And I agree with Gabe, I like the idea. As long as we keep the authenticity there, it has the ability to change our clientele and grow even further.”

I glance at my mom across the table and she gives me a wink. Aunt Patti gives us a cheers, as she downs the rest of hers, clearly onboard, and everyone laughs. I suspect Callan has helped get them both on side, so I owe him too.

“I’ve got some projections already,” Beau says. “Been working on them with Brook and Gray.” He passes around a printout for everyone to take a look. I smile over at him, feeling so fucking good how much support I’m getting.

Gabe has always been the numbers guy, followed closely by Beau because he’s a genius, he just likes to pretend all he knows how to do is play World of Warcraft. “Kept that a secret,” Gabe gripes. “So all of you were in on this?”

“I wasn’t.” Georgia folds her arms over her chest with a huff. “Which is so rude. I’m always the last to know anything important around here.”

“That isn’t true.” I try to ruffle her hair like I always do and she elbows me. “But we do know that you’re the one with the biggest mouth. We can’t have half of Stoney Creek knowin’ our business before we get to vote on it.”

“See? Rude,” she reiterates with her signature eye roll.

“So, I think provided everyone is in agreement on the figures and the projections, we’ll take a vote now,” Dad says.

I smile, my heart thrumming at the prospect of it all being decided now. “Really? You’re not gonna make me jump through hoops?”

“No point,” Uncle Jack says. “You’ve done your research. It may be a risk, but I like the idea the more I think about it. The samples speak for themselves.”

“I agree.” Aunt Patti smiles. Her cheeks appear rosy and I suspect it’s from the mid-morning bourbon samples.

“You know my vote.” Mom’s wide smile blooms at me.

And it goes around the table, just like that.

“You’re gonna nail this,” Gray adds proudly, sincerity shining in his eyes. “You always had my vote.”

“And you have mine, too, brother,” Gabe says. “Congratulations.”

Dad walks over and pulls me into a one-armed hug. “I’m proud of you, son. You’re always thinking of ways to enhance the business and push our legacy forward. I’m excited to see the packaging and what you have in mind.”

I can barely contain my excitement, or get over the fact it was unanimous, and Dad and Gabe approve. Gray gives me a knowing look as our eyes meet across the table. He’s already contacted some suppliers and trendy bars across Nashville to stock the new label as soon as it’s ready.

There was once a time where I never thought I’d do anything else except produce the bourbon we all know and love, and while I love doing it, I’m ready for a new challenge. I’m ready to take this to new heights. It’s kinda like my baby. Having my family back me makes me want to prove myself even more.

“It’s really smooth,” Beau says, tasting the chocolate. “I like what you’ve done with it, bro. We’ll make a distiller out of you yet.”

I can’t help but grin.

We’ve got a long road ahead for the new collection, but now the cat’s out of the bag, I don’t have to hide what I’m doing anymore.

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