Page 15 of Brooklyn & Eden

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I chuckle. “Would I do a thing like that?”

“You’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ve also got news to break to the family, it’ll soften the blow. I just had a major win with our exports to Australia. Two major franchises have picked up our brand. We’re gonna be busier than ever, brother.”

“That’s good and bad, you know that,” I muse. Good in the sense it’s great for business and pushing our bourbon even further afield than it’s been before is amazing. But bad in the fact it pushes production and our resources to the limit. I knew it was coming, it’s not a major shock, and I’m happy for Gray. He’s been working hard these past few months being back working with the family again, pushing exports left, right and center.

“I know it. But things are moving and growing all the time. I think it’s a great time to introduce the new malt.”

So quite a while back I started tinkering in the vault with a new flavored bourbon. Other distillers are doing it, and there’s a billion flavored beers now on the market and it sorta sparked the idea. I’ve been perfecting a Tiramisu blend as a starting point before getting into the more robust creations. It’s a smooth, rich blend of coffee and chocolate, which has its own unique kick from the bourbon.

I also have in the works a coffee and hazelnut with hints of vanilla, and a sweet, strong espresso with undertones of raisins, chocolate and current. I like to think of it as a mocha on steroids, and a whole new level of bourbon.

The branding will be a completely new label where we will add the classic Bassett bulls head logo in theme with our current trio; straight bourbon whiskey, original cask strength, and our American blended rye, but it will be uniquely its own too.

“Well, you know better than anyone I’ve been perfecting this for a while on the sly,” I sigh.

“Me and Beau are definitely on board, he’s here with me now.”

“Not buried in the books for once?” I joke. Or the rickhouse where we store everything. He helps me with the packing process and keeping tabs of stock levels. He’ll pretty much go wherever he’s needed.

“I heard that,” Beau hollers in the background.

I chuckle.

“Another brother on board could be all we need to make this work when it comes to the family vote,” Gray goes on. We all agreed to take a family vote on the Moonshine production.

“Georgia surely won’t say no to her favorite brother?” I scoff.

“I’m the favorite brother,” Beau calls out again. “Since I’m her twin and all.”

“Minor details,” I say. “So there’s the four of us and as far as we know, Gabe is on the fence-line. Dad didn’t like the idea before, not sure about Mom, or Uncle Jack and Aunt Patti. I think Callan will be gung-ho for it.”

“I do too,” Gray says. “You know what it’s like sometimes with the old folks; they have it in their heads things need to be a certain way. Change can be scary and all, but it can only better our brand. Our current trio are here to stay after all. We’re trusted and respected; that all helps when you’re launching a brand new product.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” I agree. I also believe it’s good practice to stay relevant, whilst keeping integrity for the products that have made our bourbon a household name for decades.

“Well, I’d say now is as good an opportunity as any to start unleashing the beast,” Gray says.

“And Gabe is all loved up with Skye at the moment, just sayin’. It couldn’t be a better time to slide it under his nose while he’s in his love haze.” Beau always knows how to get to the heart of things.

I laugh heartily. “That’ll be the day he lets anything distract him from BBB.”

“Watch this space.” Beau clearly agrees with Gray.

I love my brothers dearly, but they do talk some trash at times. Gabe never drops a single ball. Sometimes I wish he would so we’d all get a break.

One thing I do agree on with Gray is that he’s been pretty loved up lately.

Not that he’s dancing his way into work or singing from the rooftops, but he’s absolutely relaxed ten-fold since he and Skye took their relationship public.

I’d say she’s having more than a positive effect on my brother. It’s a good thing, and I meant what I said to Eden; he deserves to be happy.

If Eden had left me to focus on her career when we had a newborn and not want to be my wife or a mother to Blake anymore, I wouldn’t have made it out in one piece. I’m not even sure what I would have done in a situation like that. But he dug himself out of a huge hole, and I’m proud of him for that. It was fucking hard for a long time.

“I’ll see you guys in about fifteen,” I say. Feeling a sudden burst of energy about my Moonshine meeting. Eden thinks it’s a goer, and she has impeccable taste with most things she puts her mind to. Her words of wisdom back at the cafe weren’t lost on me.

I’ve always appreciated her opinion and input.

“Bring your game face, Brook,” Beau chuckles. “You might need it.”

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