Page 134 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“You bet I do. This hot little cowgirl went all out,” I sigh.

She leans over to kiss me, pressing her little body into mine. “When will you ever stop reminiscing?”

“Probably never.”

She secretly loves reminding me about it too. If it didn’t get so intense there for a while, it would have been even more comical for her. “I thought I was going to lose you to Amber Jenkins for a minute there!”

“Me too. But I think she finally got the message.” After the auction, she even came to bid us congratulations, stating she didn’t know we were getting back together.

Both Eden and I remain suspicious about that, and Eden even muttered at how different she looked with her clothes on. That was a real facepalm moment.

We certainly took advantage that night when Eden took me home and showed me how country girls like to stake their claim. We had dinner at Mary-Lou’s on the creek the weekend after. I suppose us kissing with wild abandon up on stage in the town hall in front of everyone was a sure-fire way to let everyone know how we felt.

We’ve been going strong ever since.

Eden has been staying at the farm more and more since the auction. She’s having some much needed time off after her busy season.

From the talks we’ve already had, it looks like she will keep her house in the long-term as she still wants to work from her home office when she’s not over at the distillery come early spring. She may even rent the house out as an Airbnb in the future, she isn’t one hundred percent sure. We’re not rushing moving in together, but just staying over at each other’s places and getting to know each other intimately again, though she’s over here with Noodle more often than not. She’s even started hanging some of her clothes in the closet.

What we are both sure about is how getting back together is the best thing we’ve ever done. Every day is a gift in itself. We’re discovering so many new things about each other, as well as rediscovering some of the old stuff, and there’s nothing that I’m not enjoying about the whole process. Blake is over the moon that her parents are back together, and we all get to do family stuff, all three of us, rather than separately. There’s no more coming back and forth for her. And we have two new adoptees; Bert and Jasper, Blake’s New Guinea pigs. We’ve taken on a new role through Stoney Creek Paws and officially co-ordinating the rabbit and guinea pig side of the rescue. Including finding foster families for new arrivals, and taking in any animals that don’t have a home until we can find them one. Blake has led the charge and is deeply committed to looking after the little ones. We have our first bunny, a gray dwarf lop-eared called Mable, who I made a pen for inside the house next to Bert and Jasper. Though, I’m thinking she might be our first foster fail. I did promise her she could get a bunny or two after all.We have plenty of space to expand the operation if we need to.

“Are you sure you’re going to want to still live here when the place resembles a zoo?” I chuckle as I secure Mable’s pen for the night, making sure she’s comfortable.

The animals are all doing well as the winter sets in and I’m on the lookout for a new friend for Sawyer. Come spring, Gabe wants to bring Trinity over for some horse riding lessons with Sailor as her guide, so she can get used to horses early on in her life. I know she and Blake are pretty excited about it. We’re still toying up with a cat or another dog in the future. Noodle is quite happy being the center of attention for the moment and loves farm life.

“It wouldn’t be the same without all the animals,” Eden says.

I try to give her my best puppy dog eyes. “You sure?”

She gives me a playful shove.

“You wanna see what Santa has in his sack for you, Baby Doll?”

She tries to cover my mouth with her hand, but I grab it and pull her toward me.

“Brook, you’ll wake Blake!”

“Don’t worry, she’s a heavy sleeper like her daddy.”

“Until the one time she isn’t.”

“You worry too much, E. I’ll take you to bed soon, don’t worry. I can put something in your mouth to keep you quiet.”

“It’s not me that needs to be quiet!” She giggles while taking another sip of eggnog.

I try to swipe it away from her. “Now, now, Mrs. Bassett, remember what happened the last time you got drunk and disorderly, and I had to carry you home?”

She laughs, shaking her head at the memory of that night in Moose’s when she’d had one too many. “Don’t remind me…”

“Oh, I will because it was so darned cute. I bet you’re glad now!”

“You were cute for not taking advantage of me.”

“But I’d like to now, if you don’t mind?”

“You’re a bad influence!” But she doesn’t mean it. In fact, she leans over to kiss me. I grab her and pull her down onto the rug in front of the fire.

“Brook!” she hisses.

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