Page 132 of Brooklyn & Eden

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When I glance at Brook, looking ever the cowboy with his hand on his hip while the bids keep flying around, he gives me a look which tells me in no uncertain terms that I better get my paddle raised. “Three hundred!” I yell, blowing it out of the water, as a gasp rings out. Amber almost breaks her neck to look and see where the bid came from.

Brook swipes a hand over his face, but admittedly looks relieved.

“Three fifty!” she calls back, undeterred.

I don’t believe it. Even after everything, she’s still after my man!

“Four hundred.” I don’t even look at her anymore. If it’s a bidding war she wants, then game on.

The girls are losing it next to me, and behind, in fits of laughter, in both anticipation and trying to keep straight faces.

“Four fifty!”

Is she actually insane? She’s going to pay four hundred and fifty dollars to have a date with my husband?It’s not going to happen on my watch.

I literally roll up my sleeves and stand with my paddle high. “Five hundred!”

More gasps ensue, this shit is getting real, but all I see is Brook. He smiles down at me, his eyes crinkling at the corners. I can see his shoulders shaking from laughter. The guys next to him seem thoroughly entertained, too.

My eyes flick left down the aisle to Amber, who thankfully sits back down, defeated.

“Eden’s bid at five hundred big ones… do I hear any more takers?” Verne finally gets a word in with all the commotion going on.

Smash that gavel, Verne, before I do it myself!

“Going once… Going twice… SOLD to Eden Bassett… Oh my…” It’s like she finally realizes who we are to each other.

I waste no time in rushing up to the stage with my paddle still in hand because I want to collect my prize right now.

I take the few steps at the side, two at a time, hearing the cheers and hollers circulating the room and literally jump into Brook’s arms as he grabs me and swings me around and around.

We kiss under the spotlights, not caring the whole town is watching.

“I love you Brooklyn Bassett!”

Verne is speechless, standing there with the mic still in hand. Everyone is still clapping and cheering, except Amber Jenkins, of course.

“And I love you, Eden Bassett!”

They’re the best words I’ve ever heard. I throw my paddle up in the air and kiss my husband.

It may just be the best money I ever spent.


The following week…

I look around the distillery and pride swells through me as Georgia, Celeste, Aunt Patti, Beau and my mom stand behind the tasting counter busily making sure every single person has their glass filled. The press are here. The local paper, as well as a reporter from Nashville. Gabe and Gray are talking to the mayor, along with my dad. All three of them turn simultaneously as the mayor raises his glass in my direction. I nod back at him, but my eyes shift to my brothers and Dad. They’re all smiling and looking just as proud at me as I feel. That means a lot. I swallow hard. It’s a hit.

The buzz has been all around the room tonight. Georgia organized a pre-order before tonight’s event which she’s streaming online as we speak. They’ve been busy packing orders all day, and we’ll have more to do after tonight’s success.

It’s been a long road getting here from when I first had the idea to create something different that could hit a wider market, and it looks like all of it is paying off. Having my family stand beside me and look at me like I’ve achieved something; it’s all I ever wanted.

I feel hands slide around my middle. I grin and turn to look at my wife. “Hello, beautiful girl.”

She reaches up onto her tippy toes and kisses me. “Hello, handsome cowboy.”

I peck her lips. “Do you think anyone will notice if we sneak out of here back to the barn.”

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