Page 99 of The Game Changer

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I shrug. “He worked us hard today. I could probably stretch a bit more, but I’m ready to get out of these fucking skates.”

“Stretch,” Lila snorts. “If you can even call that shit stretching.”

Jack wrinkles his nose. “What?”

“I mean, honestly.” Lila chuckles, her brown eyes sparkling. “What are you stretching when you hump the ice like that?”

There’s no reason at all why the word hump should be even remotely enticing, but coming out of Lila’s mouth…Yeah. I’m glad that my lower half is hidden by the wall and a shit ton of gear.

“It’s for your groin,” I tell her, biting back a laugh. “It’s important.”

“Your groin is important,” she deadpans, and I can tell by her expression that it’s taking everything she has not to crack up. “I can’t believe you just said that with a straight face.”

“Groin injuries are super common,” Jack says with a furrowed brow. “Half the shit you do out there involves your groin.”

“The groin is very important,” she says with her best impression of a straight face. “Gotcha.”

My lips curl in a smile that I can’t stifle, covering my mouth with a hand as a laugh snickers out of me, Lila devolving into a fit of giggles not long after.

Jack shakes his head. “I’m supposed to be the immature one here. Get your own thing.”

“Someone’s grumpy today,” Lila says with a mock pout.

I reach over and rub the tip of his shoe. “Do you need a hug, honey?”

“I hate you guys,” he grumbles. “Stop being so…coupley. It’s weird.”

I wince, covering it immediately with a cough so I can pull my hand back to cover my mouth, my eyes darting to meet Lila’s for only a second as I notice hers rounding.

“I have a meeting to get to,” Lila says, clearing her throat as she stands from her seat. “But you guys are looking good out there. You’re going to kill it this year.”

Weirdly, this just makes Jack look more grumpy. Still, he offers his cheek so Lila can smack a noisy kiss there, making me jealous that I can’t press up on my toes so she can lean down and do the same for me. She crouches and wraps her knuckles on my helmet instead, flashing me a grin. “See you soon, Cupcake.”

I force myself not to stare as she walks away, knowing that the jeans she has on will be hugging her perfect ass in a way that will have me wanting to crawl over the railing and trail after her like a cartoon hound dog, keeping my eyes on Jack instead, where it’s safe.

“It’s still weird as hell watching you two pretend to be a thing,” Jack says when she’s gone. “You’re both so chummy lately.”

I keep my expression blank. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know,” he says. “I mean, you guys just hang out all the time now.”

“We’re supposed to, remember? It’s part of the plan.”

“Yeah, I guess. I just don’t remember her coming to so many practices before you came back home.”

Guilt eats at me. I don’t like keeping things from him, but it’s not really my place to decide when we tell him. I won’t do that without Lila agreeing that it’s okay. I love Jack, but I…Well, Lila’s feelings come first. Even more than mine.

“We’re supposed to be seen together,” I remind him.

“In public!”

I arch a brow. “This is technically public.”

“It’s just weird.”

I frown at his frustrated tone, sensing something else bothering him. “What’s really got you all twisted up? You’ve been off today.”

“No, I haven’t.”

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