Page 68 of The Game Changer

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“Well,” she says, clearing her throat. “That’s why you wet your finger a bit.” She dips her index finger in a small bowl of water, peeking over at me as she does it. “Helps smooth out the curls on top.”

I watch her finger move in slow, rhythmic circles as she smooths the top of each little mound of pastry dough, swallowing thickly as my thoughts wander against my will to that same finger circling somewhere else. Preferably on my body. Would she tease me like that?

Lila’s mouth hitches up on one side, and her eyes glimmer with mirth; she knows what she’s doing, the brat. “Better?”

“I guess so,” I manage.

“Just wait until they’re done,” she promises.

I do my best not to openly stare at her ass as she places the uncooked pastries into the oven, and then someone calls “Cut” from somewhere out of sight.

“So what now?”

She moves to the fridge. “Just need to get the pastry filling we made earlier so it can start thawing a bit. We want it to be nice and creamy when we fill the pastries.”

Now, I’ve never been turned on by the word creamy before, but I guess there’s a first time for everything.

“Looks good,” I note as she sets the bowl down on the counter.

She smirks. “It is good, but you’re a stickler for the rules, remember? We’re not supposed to be eating anything with raw eggs in it.”

“Mm. Someone did tell me to live a little.”

“They did,” she agrees. “Pretty sure that person never expected you to actually take them up on it though.”

“I don’t think I expected to take them up on it either.”

Her fingers reach out to toy with the strap of my apron that lies against my chest, and I have to suppress the urge to shiver. “They’re glad you did though. Actually, I think they would probably want you to cut loose even more.”

“Oh yeah?”


I lean in just a little, but even with the cameras off, I know I can’t kiss her here. Instead, I reach past her, dipping my finger into the bowl of cream before bringing it up to my mouth to taste.

“I did hear that being bad can be worth it.”

Her breath leaves her in an unsteady exhale, and I actually hear it catch when I reach past her again. I bring my finger to her lips this time, watching the soft curve of her mouth as I hold it close but not quite touching, lowering my voice.

“Open up,” I murmur.

She doesn’t even hesitate, letting her lips part as her eyes find mine to hold them. I’m not breathing as she licks at the very tip of my finger, feeling everything below the belt tingle with interest and then give a heavy pulse of desire as she sucks the entire digit into her mouth, making the sweetest, softest little noise. It’s in and out in mere seconds, like it never even happened, but I feel the slick heat of her mouth for much longer. I want to feel that tongue on my lips, my skin, my cock—and the set of her fucking cable show is definitely not the place for it.

A throat clears nearby, and we both jump apart, catching her friend Ava smirking at us with one brow raised. “You guys ready to finish up?”

Lila still looks a little dazed, and I brush my thumb against her lower lip, clearing away the leftover cream that clings there before bringing it to my mouth to lick it away. I know people are watching, most likely speculating—but I can’t find it in me to care right now.

“Lila?” She jolts a little at her name, like she’s coming out of a trance. “You ready?”

“Yes,” she says in a throaty voice that isn’t quite hers but threatens to make me hard all the same. She says it again, surer this time. “Yes! We’re ready. I’m ready.” She blows out a breath, eyeing me. “You ready?”

“Whenever you are,” I tell her with a grin.

I almost don’t catch her muttering, “You’d better be.”

She’s already straightening her ridiculous hat that shouldn’t be so fucking adorable and fiddling with her bowl of cream with a sweet pink tint still in her cheeks. Not that I’m judging, since I can feel the tips of my ears burning, making me yet again grateful for my longer hair. I definitely wasn’t lying though—I’m ready to finish up here.

Mainly so I can see if I can get her to make that sweet little noise again.

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