Page 63 of The Game Changer

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“I just want your hands on me,” I tell him, trailing my lips along his cheek, the soft scrape of his beard tickling me, until I seal them against his, letting myself fall into the weight of his kiss for another long moment. “I’m not particular on where or how.”

He pushes up, his palms flattening against the mattress as he stares down at me, and in the dying light that peeks in through his blinds, I can make out the soft spray of freckles across his nose, his cheeks. I can see the way his tongue sweeps out to wet his lower lip. The way his eyes are heavy with want in a way that makes my stomach clench.

“You’re going to ruin me. Aren’t you.”

My smile is soft now. “I sure fucking hope so.”

My fingers curl in his shirt, trying to pull him back down to me, and I can just feel the plush curve of his lips brushing along mine when a door slams somewhere in the house.

We both go very still.

“Ian?” Jack calls. “Yo, Ian, you home?”

“Jack,” Ian hisses.

I grimace. “Fuck.”

“What do we do?”

“Well, we definitely don’t let him know you’re home.”

“Hey, Ian,” Jack calls again. “Did you leave your shoes in the middle of the hall?”

Ian winces. Clearly neither of us was thinking about shoes when he was carrying me to his room. I can only hope mine are somewhere by his bed and not out there.

“This is definitely not how Jack needs to find out about this,” I whisper. “If he sees us in here practically dry-humping each other, he’s going to be apoplectic.”

“I’m not really interested in being shouted at by Jack with a hard-on, anyway,” Ian says with a grimace.

“Well, say something!”

“What do I say?”

“I don’t know. Anything that will make sure he doesn’t come in here.”

Jack’s voice is closer now. “Ian?”

“Uh, yeah!” Ian shouts, panic in his expression. “I’m here, man. I’m just…” He looks at me helplessly, and I shake my head, no less lost. “I’m naked in here.”

Jack’s voice is right outside the door. “Like…just hanging out? Naked?”

“Um, yeah. Just decompressing, you know?”

“Huh.” There are a few seconds of silence, and then, “That’s cool. Sometimes I like to eat in my room naked. Inner caveman time, yeah?”

“Uh…yeah,” Ian says with a frown.

I can feel my face scrunching with distaste.

“Cool,” Jack calls. “I’m just going to take a shower. Let’s order Thai after.”

“Sounds good,” Ian shouts back.

Neither of us breathes as Jack’s footsteps move down the hall, only risking words when we both hear the bathroom door shut.

“I did not need to know that about my brother,” I groan.

Ian pushes away from me, but he doesn’t look happy to do so, which does make me happy to notice. “Not really something I want to imagine either.”

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