Page 43 of The Game Changer

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“We love him for his personality,” I say seriously.

Ian makes a face. “Debatable.”

“Come see me when you finish up, yeah? I want to show you something.”

He looks confused for a second, but then he nods. “Sure. Okay.”

“Watch your knees,” I warn. “Wouldn’t want Kyle to take you out.”

He gives me a look that feels downright dirty, or maybe that’s just the way my brain chooses to perceive it, but thankfully he skates off quickly enough that he doesn’t see the actual shiver that passes through me, one I can’t exactly explain away, given that it’s pretty warm today.

I let my eyes linger on him for longer than is appropriate, probably, watching his broad shoulders wrapped in black and teal square up as he skates up alongside Rankin, knocking forearms with him before flashing a grin down at a focused-looking Kyle.


I turn my head back toward the baking station, catching sight of Jack waving his one arm at me and wearing a helpless look as well as a good bit of bright pink icing down the front of his jersey.

Yeah, that’s about right.

I’m cleaning up when Ian finds me; the kitchen I oversaw the construction of on the other side of the building is pretty open, which means that I can hear him when he approaches, the kids having all gone back to the main building to get ready for dinner after a long day.

“Hey,” he says. “Where’d Jack run off to?”

“He’s next door with the others, sniffing around to see what the kitchen is putting out for dinner. The kids really like getting to hang out with them.” Speaking of, I notice Ian isn’t alone. “Hey, Kyle.” I address him with a smile. “Did you have fun?”

The little boy nods seriously. “Ian said I could kick ass someday.”

Ian immediately flushes, looking sheepish. “Don’t repeat that.”

“Okay.” Kyle gives another solemn nod, his little brow furrowing as he peers up at Ian. “Can you come practice again?”

“I—” Ian looks momentarily thrown, recovering quickly as his lips quirk and his large hand comes to rest against Kyle’s blond curls. “Yeah, buddy. I’ll come back soon, okay?”

“Okay,” Kyle says with another nod, his expression entirely too serious for his angelic face.

“Why don’t you go on over and see what they’re having for dinner?” I tell Kyle. “Ian is going to help me finish cleaning up out here.”

Ian laughs. “Oh, am I?”

“You’re a pushover, remember?”

Ian shakes his head, giving Kyle’s shoulder a gentle nudge. “Go on, buddy. I’ll catch up.”

We both watch him trod off, his hair bouncing with each step.

“Someone made a friend,” I say.

Ian is still smiling softly as he watches Kyle go back inside the building. “He’s a good kid. Really does show some promise. You think they’d let me come back sometimes to work with him again?”

“You really want to?”

Ian gives me a look like it’s a silly question I’ve asked, and my heart melts a little. “Not like I have a lot else going on.”

“Besides being a pro hockey player and feeding tabloid gossip, you mean?”

He rolls his eyes. “I noticed a couple of reporters hanging around earlier. Had those big clunky cameras.”

“I can’t wait to scroll through our ship tag tomorrow.”

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