Page 134 of The Game Changer

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“How much shit did Jack give you when you told him you were staying over at my place?”

“He sort of just made a grunting sound and started cleaning the countertops.”

“He’ll get over it,” I laugh. “He’s not actually put out, but he wouldn’t be Jack if he didn’t give us a little shit for it.”

“I can handle it,” Ian says, pressing slow kisses up the curve of my throat. “I was yours first, remember?”

My lips curl. “You were.”

“I haven’t told you,” he says, pulling back to look at me, the wispy gray of his eyes looking so soft as they peer up at me. “But thank you. For being there today. I know it had to be a lot for you.”

“I’ll always be there,” I promise. “Wherever you need me to be.”

“Fuck, I love you,” he sighs, a lazy grin spreading across his face. “I love saying that too.”

“I’m happy to hear it as many times as you want to tell me.”

“I love you.” He leans in, his lips skimming my jaw. “I love you.” They slide higher, hovering against my cheekbone. “I love you.” He leaves a soft kiss over my eyelid, trailing lower before his mouth is just a breath away from mine. “I fucking love you, Lila.”

“Teenage me is screaming into her pillow right now,” I chuckle.

I feel his lips tilt against mine. “I can make that a reality for adult you, if you want.”

“Are you sure you’re up for that?” I nip at his bottom lip. “You must be so tired. Probably past your bedtime.”

“Are you seriously making an old joke right now?”

“Does that sound like something I would do?”

His hands skim my waist, his knees pressing into the mattress so that he can curl his body over mine. “You’re being a brat.”

“You like when I’m a brat,” I say sweetly, licking along his lower lip.

“I love when you’re a brat,” he rumbles, his hands falling to the mattress to brace on either side of me. “Because it means I get to spank it out of you.”

I thread my arms around his neck, capturing his mouth fully and letting his tongue dip past my lips to tease mine with a slow, languid kiss that feels as lazy as it is satisfying. Like it doesn’t need to be more. Like just this is enough.

And it is, really. As much as I always want more of Ian—more of his touch, his body, his heart—little moments like this are quickly becoming my favorite. Moments when the boy who started as my friend and my safe place becomes the man who’s now my future, my everything. I live for moments like this, and the knowledge that I might get them for the rest of my life is overwhelming, almost too much.

“I love you too,” I murmur into his mouth. “Just in case that wasn’t obvious.”

“Oh, I know. Practically obsessed with me, remember?”

“Completely obsessed,” I answer without a hint of shame. “Just wait until everyone finds out you’re mine. I might put it on a damned billboard. Force you into every kiss cam at every damned game so no one forgets.”

He makes a pained sound. “Anything but that.”

“I’ll think of less embarrassing options,” I laugh. “Maybe.”

He pulls back, grinning boyishly, one red strand of hair falling into his face. “Yeah, let’s pretend like I wouldn’t do absolutely anything you asked me to do.”

“Well.” I push his hair back, tucking it behind his ear. “I was trying to save your dignity.”

He turns his face, reaching to grab my hand as he turns it to press a kiss into my palm. “Don’t need it,” he murmurs. “I’m happy to go half on the billboard.”


“Mm. Yeah.” He smiles against my palm, peeking back at me. “Because I want everyone to know you’re mine too.”

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