Page 121 of The Game Changer

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“I—me too. I mean, I love you too. Fuck, Lila.” I cradle her face, pulling her in to cover her mouth with mine, murmuring between frantic kisses as relief bubbles up inside and spills over. “The way you make me feel…” I shake my head, laughing under my breath. “It’s like I spent my entire life blind until you walked back into it, and I finally saw you.”

Her arms are around my neck, and her smile matches mine, and her kisses are seeking, joyous—they’re a confirmation that everything that comes after this is just details, because this, this thing between us, that’s what really matters. I pull her closer, so close that she’s practically molded to my chest. I palm her head so that I can deepen the kiss, sweeping my tongue through her mouth as a happy sigh escapes her throat. I could do this for hours. I want to do this for hours. I pull her tighter, I kiss her harder, I—

“If I knew I was going to be accosted in my own home,” Jack grumbles, “I would not have given you the spare key to run off and fornicate on my couch.”

Lila grins, pulling away from me, but just barely. “Do you hear something?”

“Hm. I don’t think so.”

“Oh, fuck you both very much,” he huffs. I can hear him muttering as he toes off his shoes. “Fucking weird is what it is.”

“Hi, honey,” I call, finally untangling myself from his sister. I mean, it’s probably the right thing to do. He hasn’t tried to kick my ass yet, after all. “How was your day?”

“Don’t you start with me, jackass,” he scoffs. “The only reason I’m not crushing your thick-ass skull with my cast is because you have bigger problems at the moment.”

“Not because you love me?”

“That’s debatable right now.” Jack points at Lila. “And you! We agreed one month before I was subjected to kissing.”

“It isn’t my fault you walked in on us,” she laughs.

“Right,” he snorts. “Heaven forbid I walk into my own apartment and not expect to see my brother tonguing my sister.”

I make a face. “Please don’t say it like that ever again.”

“Oh?” Jack looks vindicated. “And why should you be comfortable?”

“We could go to your room,” Lila whispers.

“I heard that!” Jack stomps over to the chair across from the couch, plopping down into it. “No one is sneaking off to do things I want to know nothing of until we talk about this. There are fucking reporters outside the building, did you know?”

“I saw them on the way in,” Lila says with a wince.

“Fuck,” I sigh. “What a shit show.”

“Do we have any idea who leaked this?” Jack asks.

I shake my head. “No clue.”

“Are we sure it wasn’t your dad? Maybe he’s hungry for some attention.”

“Considering he’s been sending me threatening text messages about keeping my mouth shut,” I say, “I don’t think it’s him.”

Lila bristles. “He has?”

“I didn’t answer,” I tell her.

She seethes, anyway. “That motherfucker. I should drive down there and kick his ass.”

“Down, girl,” I laugh, kissing her temple. “Let’s not give the press any more fodder.”

“But I mean,” Jack goes on, in full detective mode as he taps his chin thoughtfully. “Who else even knows? Did you guys have a maid I don’t know about?”

“No, we didn’t—”

“Oh!” Jack barrels on. “Could it have been another jilted lover of your dad’s maybe? Maybe she got jealous. Or maybe he’s been paying her off, and he threatened to stop.” Jack gasps, snapping his fingers. “Maybe there’s another love child!”

“I don’t think there are any more,” I say, hoping I’m right.

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