Page 115 of The Game Changer

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“So it’s going to be something that will continue, then,” she clarifies.

I nod. “It will.”

Gia bobs her head as she sighs out a slow exhale, tapping one perfect nail against a knuckle of her other hand as she considers. I can see the gears turning in her head, and I know that this is her job, that her main priority is this show and the viewers it brings, so I do my best not to feel bitter about the way she’s treating my personal life like a puzzle she needs to solve for her own benefit. She didn’t sign up for this, after all, not really.

“As your friend,” Gia says carefully, “which I would like to assume we are after all this time, of course I am happy if you are happy. It’s clear that Ian means something to you, and as your friend and a fellow woman, I say hell yeah.”


“But unfortunately, I am also your EP, which means I have to look at this thing from all angles and be up-front with you about what it could mean. The fact of the matter is that while Ian’s public opinion has drastically improved while the two of you have been…hanging out, there will always be the undercurrent of naysayers and ill will because of what happened before he was traded to Calgary.”

“He chose to leave.”

It’s not the entire truth, but it’s not exactly a lie either. But that’s none of their business.

Gia holds out a hand, continuing. “Be that as it may, we can’t change what people say about him. And I have to be real with you and tell you that there might come a time when that could hurt you professionally. I hate that this is the way it is, but unfortunately, it is the way it is. Public perception and social media are two sides of the same coin in today’s world, and that means it would only take one viral post, one bad photo, to have your image tanking right along with his. You’ve done so well to maintain a high opinion with the public thus far, so I just have to ask you straight up.”

I take a breath, nodding. “Then ask.”

“Are you prepared for that? Is Ian Chase worth the possibility of losing all that you’ve worked for? Because it’s possible, Dee. Flirting with the idea of something between you is one thing, but an actual relationship can be messy. Are you okay with the possibility that if things take a turn, it could hurt your image right along with his?”

I have to tamp down the immediate flare of irritation, reminding myself that Gia is just doing her job. Even looking out for me, in her own way. I know that my anger is not aimed at her, but at the people who have turned Ian into something he’s not, based on a few measly photos that they don’t even know the truth of. That he’s had to carry the repercussions of a lie for years with hardly anyone in his corner. Remembering that makes my answer easy.

“Yes,” I tell her firmly. “I’m okay with that. He’s worth it.”

Gia studies me for a long moment, her chin finally dipping with a nod as she leans back in her chair. “I will talk to the guys upstairs. See if there’s a way I can spin this positively. I have to advise you—as your EP, not your friend—to tread carefully going forward, mainly because I would hate to see—as your friend, not your EP—everything you’ve worked for taken away from you because of a bunch of people making assumptions.”

“I appreciate you being straight with me,” I say honestly. “There are a lot of things regarding this matter that aren’t my business to tell, but I can say with certainty that I trust Ian, and if something happens, I will be right beside him to weather it.”

“We still have to address the pictures,” Ben chimes in quietly.

Theo rises from his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. “Then address them. Tell them the truth, if that’s what Dee wants. You set the world up for the possibility of something between them, so you should be fine with confirming that there actually is.”

Ben eyes me warily. “And you’re okay with that, Delilah? If we confirm?”

I remember the conversation from just last night with Ian, smiling softly to myself, confident that he would be okay with my answer.

“I am,” I say. “Do it.”

Ben looks less than enthused as he nods his agreement, but I notice a small smile on Gia’s face as she bobs her head idly.

“Are we done here?” Theo reaches out to offer me his hand. “I have other meetings.”

I let him help me from my chair, only half listening to Gia’s and Ben’s answers as I pull my phone from my pocket, glancing at the pictures I’ve already saved to my gallery again. Seeing myself kissing Ian from multiple angles is a little strange, but the way he looks at me just before I lean in, the absolute adoration on his face that is so evident even in a still like this…It fills me with confidence for my decision. It makes me one hundred percent sure that I would stand by him through anything.

I’m only half surprised to find Ava waiting in the hall for us when we step out of Gia’s office; I’m surprised she didn’t find an excuse to be in there for the meeting, honestly.

“Were you listening at the door?” I tease.

She rolls her eyes. “Duh. Damn thing is thick though. How did it go?”

“As good as can be expected,” Theo answers for me. “They can’t tell her not to date him, so there’s really nothing they can do here but suck it up and get with the program.”

“Love that for us,” Ava says with a grin.

I notice the way it slips soon after as her eyes land on me, and she suddenly looks nervous.

“What?” I ask. “What is it?”

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