Page 101 of The Game Changer

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“We’re the same age,” I call after him, already flouncing away from me.

He flips me the bird over his shoulder. “Not in spirit!”

I shake my head, turning back toward the way Lila left and wondering where she got off to. We were supposed to meet up after practice, so it’s throwing me that she suddenly “has a meeting.”


I give my own thoughts a mental eye roll. I might as well just get myself a collar with her name on it, for as whipped as I am.

Not that I mind, I admit to myself.

I push away from the railing and start to skate back to the ice entrance, ready for a hot shower and some fresh clothes that don’t smell like they’ve been soaking in ball sweat. I’m sure Lila will text me whenever she’s done. There’s no need for me to get all mopey about it.

I can be away from her. Sometimes. I managed it just fine before.

I’m the first one in the locker room; usually, there are already a few guys in here cracking jokes or snapping towels at one another’s asses, but right now, the room is quiet. I start pulling off my gear by my locker, down to my compression shorts and top, stretching my arms over my head before rummaging around in my bag for my phone. I can hear someone coming down the hall as I thumb it open, noticing a text from Lila waiting on me from only ten minutes ago. She had to have sent it as she was ditching me and Jack.

“Dude,” Sanchez calls from the doorway as he passes through it. “Is your ass sore? Mine feels like it’s going to fall off. What’s that about?”

I turn my head to smirk at him from over my shoulder. “Better hit the foam roller tonight.”

“Fuck, I guess.” He blows me a kiss. “Wanna come do it for me?”

I roll my eyes. “You wish.”

“Nah, I know you got somebody willing to handle all your sore muscles now.”

“Dude, fuck off.”

Sanchez cackles. “I saw you making googly eyes at Dee on the sidelines again.”

“Jealous? I can make googly eyes at you, if you’re feeling left out.”

“Uh-huh.” He winks at me. “I’m just saying I got money on this whole charade, and you better not let me down.”

“How much?”

“Enough that I better be right.”

A chuckle escapes me. “Losing would teach you to mind your own business.”

“Yeah, yeah. We’ll see.”

He whistles as he saunters off to the next row of lockers, and I turn back to my phone to swipe open the text Lila sent me, immediately frowning in confusion when I notice what it says.

LILA: Come to the last shower stall when you see this. Hurry.

The fuck? I lean back to peer down the line of showers, not noticing anything out of the ordinary. Is she…? There’s no fucking way.

I strip off my compression shirt in a hurry, tossing it to the bench and snatching a towel from the rack without even bothering with my shorts as I stomp down the row at double speed. I can hear other voices filing into the locker room behind me, my heart thumping a heavy beat behind my ribs at the implication of her texts, because there’s no way that she would—

A hand shoots out from behind the first curtain that sections off the cramped changing area before the second curtain of the actual shower, and suddenly I’m being pulled into the already-small space, crowded against a soft body attached to a devilish smirk and sparkling brown eyes that look up at me with mischief.

“What are you doing?” I hiss.

She runs a finger down my sternum, weaving the tip between freckles there. “Being bad.”

“You know there’s like six other guys out there, right?”

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