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There's a hum in his chest. Hermes’ and Minos’ eyes are bulging from their sockets.

“You came back.” There is a knowing smirk at the corner of his mouth.

“You didn’t give me a choice,” I point out. With his tongue in his cheek, he disappears down the hallway into his office.

“Josie?” Hermes manages to utter.

Aedon reappears with a piece of paper and holds it out to me with a pen.

“What’s this?”

Blood from my fingers smears onto the delicate white paper. My eyes scan over the words quickly. It’s a marriage certificate. I need to sign it. That was the demand, after all. I hesitate for a moment, almost losing all the confidence I blazed into this place with. Aedon narrows his eyes at my pause, and I remember why it is that I want nothing more than to bind myself to him.

He doesn’t shut down my crazy. He is going to accept it without question. Aedon looked at me covered in someone else’s blood, smelling like death, intruding into his space like a lunatic, and he handed me a marriage contract. He spent weeks just letting me traipse around and treat his home like my personal hotel. Sam said he’s obsessed and that there's nothing like it. I’m something to be obsessed with. Aedon reminds me every time he looks at me.

“I don’t see an altar,” I argue, remembering that he said he would fuck me on one. I don’t know what I expected. Some kind of wedding, I guess. I’m grateful that he knows I wouldn’t want some gaudy attention seeking ceremony.

“I can find one if that’s what you want,” he says with a dark glint in his eyes.

“No need.” I approach him and unbutton his shirt, exposing his chest. He doesn’t move an inch but looks down at me with sexy curiosity.

I toss the pen behind me. I don’t need it. I shove the papers into his chest and make him hold them there. Then I reach into my shirt and pull out a small knife. It's one I’ve used to carve fun designs into the skin of people who haven’t found their words yet. It’s the same one that carved ‘TRAITOR’ into McFadden’s chest less than twenty-four hours ago. I jam it through the paper into his flesh.

Aedon groans, but not in an unpleasant way. His dick is hardening, pushing against the crotch of his pants. Sick, just like me. I drive my name into his skin until blood soaks the certificate, torn where my signature was supposed to be. It flutters to the floor when I’m done.

“What the fuck?” Minos gasps. Hermes punches his arm, silencing him.

“I want a copy,” I growl.

Aedon surveys me with malice in his beautiful deep blue eyes. They are a raging storm ready to swallow me up into the depths. He reaches down and whisks the paper from the floor. Plucking the knife from between my fingers, he smashes the dripping paper over my breast, and drives the sharpened end into my flesh.

The place where it meets my skin burns, but not as bad as I do between my thighs. Yes, forever with this psycho is exactly what I want. Trap me, fuck me, kill me, and stuff me. I don’t want anything else. When he’s done, he pulls the shredded paper away, pretending to inspect it.

“I suppose that will suffice,” he says coolly. Blood drips down my breast in rivers, mixing with McFadden’s.

“I don’t want to be that guy, but should we leave?” Hermes interjects.

“Yes,” Aedon and I say in unison, not taking our eyes off of each other. They scamper to the elevator, not able to call it soon enough.

Aedon brushes his thumb over the bloody signature on my chest, and then he smears it on my mouth, pushing his thumb between my lips. I suck it off, and he grins. It’s evil and fucking incredible. The darkness inside of me craves him. I’m fucked up, and he likes it.

We’ve spent days in this place quietly. Indulging in the mundane parts of life. He’s been nice and kind, but this monster was always lying underneath. He was always going to be able to match my energy.

He grabs my blood-stained shirt and tears it off of me.

“What are you doing? Now my shirt is ruined,” I say dramatically.

“I’ll buy you a new one.” He hoists me onto the kitchen counter and yanks my shorts off of me.

There's a beautiful envelope with gold embellishments lying on the marble. It must be what they were all discussing before I came in. Aedon opens my knees, and the sound of lace tearing apart quickens my breath. I can feel his mouth hovering over me.

“You’re soaking wet.” His whisper tickles, and I try to clench my legs, but he’s there holding them open.

“What are you doing?” I lace my fingers in his hair, trying to drag him up.

“Worshiping.” He gives me a devious grin and dives in.

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